So I went for my evaluation for me rehab today. Looks like I'll be goin' 3 times a week and at least 1 day a week I get to use the therapy pool which the doc in STL had told me would help me alot. I have to go back wed. and to a seperate evaluation for some of my other therapy...then the 20th I get my cat scan and have to get up at like 5am to go to that....THAT SUX!!! Then I have to see my surgen who'll tell me if my neck healed o.k. or not...Then the 30th I have to go back to STL and see my rehab doc and hopefully get off of some of these like 12 different meds I'm on......this shit sux!!!!! PLUS now I'm begining to question if I'm with Gabrielle because I love her or is it because I feel obligated because she stuck with me through the whole hospital stay...
I really dunno whatto do...I do feel like I owe it to her to at least TRY this but...what if I TRY it for another 6 months or a year...then realize this isn't what I want ?????? On the other hand how can I not love her?? I mean hell....we been through ALOT over the last 2 years....I don't know...I guess I just got some inner demons to get out first.....