I know everytime I make a post I say I'm gonna catch up with everyone but if it's not one thing it's another lately. I've been sick as hell the last almost 2 weeks now. I'd start to get better then the next day, BOOM! I back down again. I felt like ass on Sat but had promised my daughter we'd go to the Fair, even though it was cool and the last place I needed to be after getting over the chills! So we went & the next morning I felt like complete ass. Other than a cough and being a little tired I'm not bad right now.
I don't really have very good circulation in my legs since I sit all the time and of course don't use my legs so my feet and calves will swell sometimes. Well my right leg is fucking ridiculous right now. Normally I can prop it up at night and a little during the day and it goes away but not this nonsense. I tried propping it up putting and ice pack on it, whatever & nada. If it keeps up I'll probablly be going to the damn doc over the damn thing. Definetly NOT looking forward to that.
HOPEFULLY I'll know in a day or so what's up with the job. Then I have to figure out how bad it's going to fuck up my SS and madicare b/c lord knows I'm not gonna be making anywhere near enough to pay for all my shit. Oh well we'll see I guess.
Well I'm off to get some sleep. Finals are due this weekend so i need to rest up for some looong ass nights!
Later all! If anyone even still reads this.
I don't really have very good circulation in my legs since I sit all the time and of course don't use my legs so my feet and calves will swell sometimes. Well my right leg is fucking ridiculous right now. Normally I can prop it up at night and a little during the day and it goes away but not this nonsense. I tried propping it up putting and ice pack on it, whatever & nada. If it keeps up I'll probablly be going to the damn doc over the damn thing. Definetly NOT looking forward to that.
HOPEFULLY I'll know in a day or so what's up with the job. Then I have to figure out how bad it's going to fuck up my SS and madicare b/c lord knows I'm not gonna be making anywhere near enough to pay for all my shit. Oh well we'll see I guess.
Well I'm off to get some sleep. Finals are due this weekend so i need to rest up for some looong ass nights!

Later all! If anyone even still reads this.