So Warped Tour was basically a wast of about $70. It was around 102-105 degrees outside plus it was on blacktop so it felt like the heat index was probably 110-115. I used to do really well in the heat but damn not anymore. It's all tied in with the break in my neck. Most quads just don't sweat below the injury level. Meaning I should sweat from the chest up but that's it, wierd I know, but me... I don't sweat al all! Now some people would welcome that but it's actually a BAD thing. I can't regulate my body temp so I get hot and it's hard to stay cool, especially when it's 100+ out there. Plus my cair fucked up right after we got there so I had to get pushed around, which I HATE! So I ended up only seeing 3 bands the whole day.... I was pretty bumed out since this was my first time going to something like this in 3 years.... I just wanted to see Paramore, NGF & Sum 41... I didn't see anyone..
The stress of me and Whitney's schedule's clashing all the time piled on with other tiny little issues is seriously taking its toll. I dunno... we'll just have to see what happens I guess. I'm done stessing over a female..
I finished up my last week of my Photoshop class weds. Damn my teacher was picky as hell! I couldn't get a 100% on ANYTHING. Even last week questions that were all just personal opinions and about what we felt about the class! Fucker..
So now I'm doing an Art History class with a $140 book that weighs a ton. Right off the bat the teacher has changed & the guidelines are crazy screwed up. It's going to be another very stressfull 5 1/2 weeks.
Nothing else exciting going on really. Same ol' same ol'..
Well I think it's time for me to try & catch some sleep. I'm going to see either Bratz or Under Dog tomorrow so this should be fun. lol
Later all!
The stress of me and Whitney's schedule's clashing all the time piled on with other tiny little issues is seriously taking its toll. I dunno... we'll just have to see what happens I guess. I'm done stessing over a female..
I finished up my last week of my Photoshop class weds. Damn my teacher was picky as hell! I couldn't get a 100% on ANYTHING. Even last week questions that were all just personal opinions and about what we felt about the class! Fucker..
So now I'm doing an Art History class with a $140 book that weighs a ton. Right off the bat the teacher has changed & the guidelines are crazy screwed up. It's going to be another very stressfull 5 1/2 weeks.
Nothing else exciting going on really. Same ol' same ol'..
Well I think it's time for me to try & catch some sleep. I'm going to see either Bratz or Under Dog tomorrow so this should be fun. lol
Later all!
ugh, i've nearly given up on outdoor music fests. of course as soon as i decided that-- a friend booked us tickets for one in september. i feel like i should start drinking extra water now to prepare for all the sweating i'll do. . . . .