Finally went to see Pirates the other night. DAMN GOOD MOVIE! It was long as hell though. I didn't realize it until I'm setting in a cold theatre after about 2 hours. My break so far has been pretty boring so far. I've just chilled outside & done a little reading. It's rained off and on a lot the last few days so I haven't really been able to do much of anything. It's really just made me wanna sleep! lol I wanted to sit outside and sketch a little but that's been a no go.
I need to get my financial aid figured out asap. I filled out my fafsa stuff lastnight and accepted my new schedule only to get a note that there's a hold on my classes right now because of my finances.. I've been shifted around with my financial advisors so many times since I've started online classes I have no idea who to call or email. UGH!
So hopefully I can get that all solved this week. Oh and then I look up my books I'll need for class... Yeah one of my books is like $130.00! ONE BOOK! That SUX! I've got to come up with money for so many random things in the next couple months.. There goes my tattoo money, AGAIN!
I need to get my financial aid figured out asap. I filled out my fafsa stuff lastnight and accepted my new schedule only to get a note that there's a hold on my classes right now because of my finances.. I've been shifted around with my financial advisors so many times since I've started online classes I have no idea who to call or email. UGH!