Thanks for the b-day wishes. I wish I could say it was an absolutley awesome b-day but I can't.... The day started off with a call from my Gabrielle, my ex who royally screwed me over around this time last yr.... Yeah GREAT WAY TO START YOUR B-DAY RIGHT??
That just kind of set the pace for the day really... Then there was a mix up when my dad went to pick up Bree & I get this half way freaked out/pissy phone call from Amanda, her mom who on vacation for her anniversary, wondering what's going on... So I have that to deal with.... We (my parents, Bree, Whitney & me) ended up going out to eat that night & I'm not really one for going out on my b-day. I'd rather stay home have people come by & just hang.. So we go out & I'm not in the best humor & of course everyone has to fuck with me & act like they're gonna tell the waitress it's my b-day, after I told them that it would seriously piss me off. The only real fun I had all evening came from sitting and coloring on the kids menu with Bree and messing around with her @ Toys-R-Us later, I had to spend some of my Christmas money & buy myself a r/c car.
Yeah I'm a BIG kid.
That night after Bree was in bed me & Whitney have this huge loong talk/ argument about me. I'm just in a really bad funk. I'm trying not to let it effect our relationship but that's kind of impossible. I dunno what's goin' on with me really.. I'll figure it out eventually I guess...
Class starts tomorrow..
Really REALLY NOT looking forward to that. It just seems like I didn't get anything done that I wanted to over break. I still need to get so much shit done here at home. GGRRRRRR.... I'm just agrevated at alot of things....bleh...
I'm gonna hit the sheets & maybe get a little sleep, maybe....
Later all....

That night after Bree was in bed me & Whitney have this huge loong talk/ argument about me. I'm just in a really bad funk. I'm trying not to let it effect our relationship but that's kind of impossible. I dunno what's goin' on with me really.. I'll figure it out eventually I guess...
Class starts tomorrow..

I'm gonna hit the sheets & maybe get a little sleep, maybe....
Later all....