Just a few more hours & I'll be chillin' in field box seats @ Busch Stadium kickin' back some beers (which I really can't afford)! I'm pretty stoked. I almost got stuck with 2 $85 tickects b/c one of my friends couldn't go b/c of his job, even though he's known about this for MONTHS now, & another his wifes grandfather passed away & the visitation is tonite. A couple other friends came through for me though so it all good.
I've decided that I have to get something pierced or tattooed SOON! Even if it's not my big piece I want I GOTTA get someting done..
It really is an addiction. I've got a couple quotes and stuff I wouldn't mind getting but I don't know where I'd get them.... I take forever to decide what I want & where I want it. I guess that's good in a way though..
I'm off like a prom dress!
I've decided that I have to get something pierced or tattooed SOON! Even if it's not my big piece I want I GOTTA get someting done..

I'm off like a prom dress!

on a hott summer night?
i feel you on that one.
<3 j.