Ah hell where do I start??? Hhhmmmm.. All these hours of watchin Sponge Bob have started getting to me I tell ya'! Not been alot of anything exciting going on really. I've got about a week & a half left on typography & the I'm done! Thank god! This professor has been a royal pain in my ass! ow can someone tell you that you need to perticipate in class 4-5 day when you only get posts & shit from them 2 MAYBE 3 days a week?? That's why they make the big bucks I guess. lol
Well about a week ago my g-ma out around Louisville, KY went into the hospital. She's had problems with her colon before & had surgery, well scar tissue built up & it go her wicked bad sick & she had to go under the knife AGAIN! To make matter worse come to find out she has an artery on each side of her neck 80% blocked... So thay had to debate for a day or so to see if she could even come out of the anastesia (sp?). Then they had to figure which surgery they were gonna do or if they were gonna do them both... So they did the colon surgery a couple days ago & she's doin' much better. My dad has been out there the last week or so with her & we were just waiting to see how things went & then going to see if we (my mom, Bree & me) needed to go out or not.
To make matters WORSE.... my right elbow had been really dry the last week or so, so I been hittin' up the lotion & shit. Well I banged it getting in the car yesterday & it HURT LIKE HELL! I noticed it was really sore & red... WEEEELLLL last year around this exact same time I got a bad ass staph infection in my left arm & it laid me up in the hospital for 3 days.. Yeah NOT tryin' to have that shit again, so I went to the Doc. today, it's definetly an infection & most likely staph... GRRRREEAAT! So we're hitting with a badass antibiotic right now & as long as nothing else changes I should hospital free!!
Lets see, what else... I THINK I MIGHT FINALLY be getting some money for school. Definetly excited by that! I've just got to get a few more papers together & I should be set.. I hope. Plus I still haven't gotten all my FAFSA stuff straightened out. I'm hoping someway somehow I could possibly have a little left over. Not being able to work SUX!!!
Well things with me & Whitney are goin' good still. Maybe progressing a little faster than I had expected, which is REALLY good & REALLY bad. That's a whole different story though. lol I'm trying to get some pics of me & her but I'm REALLY NOT a picture person... I've got a few new pics in my folders but that's it.
Well not much else goin' on really... Well there is but I'll save that for another time. So for now I'm off to bed!
Later everyone!
Well about a week ago my g-ma out around Louisville, KY went into the hospital. She's had problems with her colon before & had surgery, well scar tissue built up & it go her wicked bad sick & she had to go under the knife AGAIN! To make matter worse come to find out she has an artery on each side of her neck 80% blocked... So thay had to debate for a day or so to see if she could even come out of the anastesia (sp?). Then they had to figure which surgery they were gonna do or if they were gonna do them both... So they did the colon surgery a couple days ago & she's doin' much better. My dad has been out there the last week or so with her & we were just waiting to see how things went & then going to see if we (my mom, Bree & me) needed to go out or not.
To make matters WORSE.... my right elbow had been really dry the last week or so, so I been hittin' up the lotion & shit. Well I banged it getting in the car yesterday & it HURT LIKE HELL! I noticed it was really sore & red... WEEEELLLL last year around this exact same time I got a bad ass staph infection in my left arm & it laid me up in the hospital for 3 days.. Yeah NOT tryin' to have that shit again, so I went to the Doc. today, it's definetly an infection & most likely staph... GRRRREEAAT! So we're hitting with a badass antibiotic right now & as long as nothing else changes I should hospital free!!
Lets see, what else... I THINK I MIGHT FINALLY be getting some money for school. Definetly excited by that! I've just got to get a few more papers together & I should be set.. I hope. Plus I still haven't gotten all my FAFSA stuff straightened out. I'm hoping someway somehow I could possibly have a little left over. Not being able to work SUX!!!
Well things with me & Whitney are goin' good still. Maybe progressing a little faster than I had expected, which is REALLY good & REALLY bad. That's a whole different story though. lol I'm trying to get some pics of me & her but I'm REALLY NOT a picture person... I've got a few new pics in my folders but that's it.
Well not much else goin' on really... Well there is but I'll save that for another time. So for now I'm off to bed!
Later everyone!

good thing you caught that staph infection early....those things can get nasty. i had two last summer...with the assistance of a brown recluse bite.
good luck with school and the girl!
Its been waaay too long but anyway...I'm not sure if I ever said thanks for commenting on my new set, so thanks!