Oooooooo back to school, back to school... It's that time again kids, yep time for classes!
Yeah I REALLY thrilled can't ya' tell. I get to kick off this session with Typography.. Which is all done in Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign...
Yeah I'm just getting my fucking feet wet in Photoshop.. I have ten count 'em 10 "sketches" due yesterday..... Monday when checked my stuff for class this week I just saw " 10 sketches by day 4". I'm tinking o.k. what 10 sketches.. HA! Nope that's 10 sketches on one of the Adobe programs I know nothing about...
Yeah I'm stressin her just a bit... I got them about halfway done last night & turned in what I had. Looks like I'll be spending today trying to figure this shit out..
It pisses me off that they don't gice you a class in Adobe programs before saying "Here ya' go, make this..." Then you're left going, "WTF just happened here? Did I miss the class over this??" The shitty thing is, I don't see where the damn professor has been on the class page but MAYBE twice this week...
Thanks for the help buddy! I'm just gonna try & stick it out though... I figure I can at least pull a B or a high C out of it.
Went out to Bel-Air, a little local bar, last sat night. It was a damn nice night. 95% of the seating is outside on the patio, plus now they've taken the side parking lot & put tables & chairs out there & blocked it off. It's funny b/c non of us had been there in a yr or more so we get there & the have half the parking lot blocked off..
It's cool though live band, buckets of beer, pretty good food & it was nice as hell outside. I was only planning on goin' out for 2-3 hours... yeah we got there a little after 8..we left at 1:30..
Good times, good times. First time I've stayed & closed a bar down in almost 2 damn yrs. I ran into quite a few people I knew. My friend Rose was there & I was asking him about another friend of ours Jason. Well Jason was supposed to be going on a date with this girl. A couple minutes later who comes walking in.......yep, the girls he's supposed to go out with!
So we call him again & he finally answers & say he's "not feeling good"! AAAHHAAHAHAHA! Same old Jason. Someone else calls him & tells him I'm up there, since I hadn't seen him in like a yr, he still plays the sick card & says he thinks he's getting the flu.... lol About 20 mins later he shows up, & no, he doesn't know this girl is there! So he goes to get some water 15-20 mins later he has a Corona in hand on his way back! lol So 20-30 mins later he's gone... He's inside talking to this girl.. Never did hear why she stood him up.. hhmmm. LOL
Been trying to spend time with Whitney but with her 20-25 mins away, me not being able to drive, her work & school, my classes & stuff I have going on it's hard to. She goes alot of random places & hangs out with her friends alot too though. Like this weekend for example.. I mentioned the movies, well tonite she has to catch up on homework she hasn't gotten done b/c she was on a float trip last week, she's been working, or she's been hangin' with her friends. Tomorrow is no good b/c her & a friend are gonna drive about an hour/hour & a half to go shopping & they won't be back until later...She has been over here 3 times since the 4th so I guess I really shouldn't complain. I just have a feeling once she starts back into school that this is gonna be something that we clash on. I'm just the type that if you sit & tell me you miss me but then you go party with your friends 3or4 days in a row it just doesn't seem like you miss me as much as you say.. Make sense? Yeah it does.
Ok back to Typography now...

Went out to Bel-Air, a little local bar, last sat night. It was a damn nice night. 95% of the seating is outside on the patio, plus now they've taken the side parking lot & put tables & chairs out there & blocked it off. It's funny b/c non of us had been there in a yr or more so we get there & the have half the parking lot blocked off..

Been trying to spend time with Whitney but with her 20-25 mins away, me not being able to drive, her work & school, my classes & stuff I have going on it's hard to. She goes alot of random places & hangs out with her friends alot too though. Like this weekend for example.. I mentioned the movies, well tonite she has to catch up on homework she hasn't gotten done b/c she was on a float trip last week, she's been working, or she's been hangin' with her friends. Tomorrow is no good b/c her & a friend are gonna drive about an hour/hour & a half to go shopping & they won't be back until later...She has been over here 3 times since the 4th so I guess I really shouldn't complain. I just have a feeling once she starts back into school that this is gonna be something that we clash on. I'm just the type that if you sit & tell me you miss me but then you go party with your friends 3or4 days in a row it just doesn't seem like you miss me as much as you say.. Make sense? Yeah it does.
Ok back to Typography now...