Weeeell weeell well. How the hell was everyones 4th?? Good I hope, 'cause mine was pretty damn good. Bree had to go home Mon. afternoon so we went & bought a whole bunch of stuff Sun & set it off for her that night. I saved a bag a random loud & fun stuff for the actual 4th though.
My mom dropped $20 on the one big thing that we thought would be something really big & cool...BIGGEST disappointment of the night... it was like this big 8 shot fountain..
Kind of a waste I thought. We were all like "That's it??". Oh well it was a fun night.
I had talked to Whitney last week sometime & we had made plans together for the 4th. I talked to her a few days later & she's tellin' me that she wasn't sure how late she would stay b/c she was gonna leave & go back over to Cape & go out downtown with her friends & then watch the fireworks over there... I was just like ooookay b/c I was thinking "I thought we were spending the evening together...??"
So I didn't say anything until we were talking on IM a few nights later & she said she couldn't wait to see me again & all that jazz.. All th while I'm thinkin' if you really want to see me so bad then why not spend the evening with me instead of going out with your friends..
So I finally ask her what time she's leaving from here & she wasn't sure. So I finally tell her that when I asked her to come over that I ment for her to spend the evening here too, not just a few hours & then go out with her friends, which she had done the last 2-3 nights. She started to apologize & I told her not to worry about it since I hadn't mentioned it before then. She just said we'll see what happens. So I text her after I left the pool Mon. & she said she was going to be here all evening. So I asked her when she was leaving & she said whenever I kicked her out...
I was a happy guy then. So I called her & we were deciding when she was gonna come over.
She came over about noon & ate lunch with my mom, my g-ma & me, then we just b.s.'d for awhile & just chilled out. we did alot of talking about different stuff & ALOT of making out throughout the day.
That night we watched the Boston Pops w/Steven Tyler & Joe Perry since we're both big Aerosmith fans. Then a few beers later I wanted to go outside & shoot shit off & make noise!!
Niether of us had our cameras but I was in classic form, a Corona in one hand & a roman candle in the other!! I was shooting this one off & it kicked like a fucking mule!! I alwmost let it slip through my hands @ first!
HAHAHA! It was good times lemme tell ya'! I still have a whole bag if shit left too. It'll just be fun for another drunken night. hehehe
We came back in arounf 11-11:30 & we just sat in my room talkin' & of course making out & various other activities..
. We did alot of talking though, we got a bunch of shit out of the way that I had been dreading talking about. It was just stuff about my accident , the day to day things I can & can't do & I brought her up to speed w/shit going on with Gabrielle, which I won't even get into, just alot of other stuff like that. I was a good talk. She finally left @ 4 that morning.
She left for a float trip yesterday & I quess her phone gets no service so I probably won't get to talk to her until Sat...
which makes me not a happy guy...
Classes start up again on Mon.
I just remembered to order my books tonite & I still have no idea how the hell I'm paying for it. I thought I was going to get help from Voc. Rehab but they're slow as hell & so I still don't know what's up. So I have to try & call tomorrow & see about another student loan.. Not really happy about that but I should have done something about it before now I guess. I'll get it figured out somehow. I'm TRYING to NOT stress about it but it's not working so good right now...
Well kids I'm gonna head off to bed. I'm going to try & play catch up with everyone tomorrow. This new format still throws me off on getting around to everyone's journals. I'll get it some day.

I had talked to Whitney last week sometime & we had made plans together for the 4th. I talked to her a few days later & she's tellin' me that she wasn't sure how late she would stay b/c she was gonna leave & go back over to Cape & go out downtown with her friends & then watch the fireworks over there... I was just like ooookay b/c I was thinking "I thought we were spending the evening together...??"

She came over about noon & ate lunch with my mom, my g-ma & me, then we just b.s.'d for awhile & just chilled out. we did alot of talking about different stuff & ALOT of making out throughout the day.

We came back in arounf 11-11:30 & we just sat in my room talkin' & of course making out & various other activities..

Classes start up again on Mon.

Well kids I'm gonna head off to bed. I'm going to try & play catch up with everyone tomorrow. This new format still throws me off on getting around to everyone's journals. I'll get it some day.


frustrated with women, huh? yeah, we're a strange breed...makes me glad i'm attracted to men