Why do things have to be so damn complicated & confusing?? Namely relationships? I'm actually going to be happy in a way when Gabrielle gets the hell out of here because I can't can't hardly stand to look at her without getting completely disgusted. Then I sit here & think about everything we've been through in the last 3 years. We've had some INCREDIBLE highs & some extreme lows...but we always found each other in the end. Now..now it's REALLY over..We've both been able to forgive & forget in the past but not this time...This time it's different..it's done.
Today I talked to Becky for the first time in a months. Becky is basically the reason me & Gabrielle broke up. Becky is a girl i met 2yrs ago while I was in Indiana working for a week. We talked everyday after I got back for a couple months. I even went back up one weekend over break to see her. It never went anywhere. We both, or I did at least, really cared about the other but since we lived 7+ hours away just never tried a relationship. We still talked alot & when my dad had his heart attack I got to see her then. When I had my accident she drove out here twice to see me.
When I got home from the hospital last year I still didn't have my head right. I still had alot of thoughts & feelings that I needed to sort out so I could move on with Gabrielle. So I wrote Becky an email & told her how I had always felt about her, since it had never really been said. I wrote her basically just to get it out & move on. Gabrielle found the email & didn't see that way so we broke up. I still talked to Becky after that when I probablyshouldn't have & that continually drove a wedge between me& Gabrielle. I just didn't want to be one of those guys who stopped talking to someone because of their jealous girlfriend...
So as time went on Becky just kinda faded away. She never returned calls. then when she did finally it was to tell me her & her boy friend where shopping for stuff to decorate their house......Well as time went on I guess Gabrielle faded away too...
I got a random email from Becky back in Dec. She just said "Hey how are you? I'm still working & going to school. Things are kinda crazy right now. I had thought about moving back to KY. but my ex is here & since we have A BABY ON THE WAY........" I'm like whoa wait a minute here....Did I miss something??? I just really didn't know how to respond to that....I mean what do you say to that?? So I finally called her today..It was rather awkward I still have these feeling for her but I know prety much right off she doesn't have them for me. She starts talking about how much she cares about her ex & how she could still see herself marrying him & hope that she can. What do you say?? Sure I'd be happy for her, but jealous too.
I dunno I guess this is just me having a down day..blah! It's cold & rainy & snowing....Just not a great day...
Today I talked to Becky for the first time in a months. Becky is basically the reason me & Gabrielle broke up. Becky is a girl i met 2yrs ago while I was in Indiana working for a week. We talked everyday after I got back for a couple months. I even went back up one weekend over break to see her. It never went anywhere. We both, or I did at least, really cared about the other but since we lived 7+ hours away just never tried a relationship. We still talked alot & when my dad had his heart attack I got to see her then. When I had my accident she drove out here twice to see me.
When I got home from the hospital last year I still didn't have my head right. I still had alot of thoughts & feelings that I needed to sort out so I could move on with Gabrielle. So I wrote Becky an email & told her how I had always felt about her, since it had never really been said. I wrote her basically just to get it out & move on. Gabrielle found the email & didn't see that way so we broke up. I still talked to Becky after that when I probablyshouldn't have & that continually drove a wedge between me& Gabrielle. I just didn't want to be one of those guys who stopped talking to someone because of their jealous girlfriend...
So as time went on Becky just kinda faded away. She never returned calls. then when she did finally it was to tell me her & her boy friend where shopping for stuff to decorate their house......Well as time went on I guess Gabrielle faded away too...
I got a random email from Becky back in Dec. She just said "Hey how are you? I'm still working & going to school. Things are kinda crazy right now. I had thought about moving back to KY. but my ex is here & since we have A BABY ON THE WAY........" I'm like whoa wait a minute here....Did I miss something??? I just really didn't know how to respond to that....I mean what do you say to that?? So I finally called her today..It was rather awkward I still have these feeling for her but I know prety much right off she doesn't have them for me. She starts talking about how much she cares about her ex & how she could still see herself marrying him & hope that she can. What do you say?? Sure I'd be happy for her, but jealous too.
I dunno I guess this is just me having a down day..blah! It's cold & rainy & snowing....Just not a great day...