So Sat. night was fun stuff. It was a really fun time. There was a guy named P.J. Walsh who opened for Larry & he was fucking awesome. Larry The Cable Guy's set was funny as hell!!! We hung aroung after the show & met him & got his autograph. One of the guys on his crew gave me one of his guitar picks too. He's a really cool guy. He comes off his bus in a sleeve-less sweat shirt, camo sweats & sandals!
This weekend is Homecomming @ Southeast Missouri State so alot of my friends will be back in town so I may try to meet up with them Fri. night. I dunno yet. Alot of them will want to go downtown & hit the bars & the ones they usually go to I either can't get around in/can't even get into or don't want to b/c it's all frat boys & sorority girls which annoy the fuck outta me. So we'll see what happens.
POSIBLE trip to Six Flags Sat. It's still waaaay up in the air.
Today they officially cut me off from therapy.. Yeah it sux! Thank you Medicaid!! Noone told me it was gonna happen until TODAY! So I'm just getting a membership to the gym & I'll use the pool & weights on my own & just work on other stuff here @ home. IF in a few weeks I start to get stronger & can do more OR if I see that I'm losing ground the therapists are gonna TRY to get me back in. If nothing else come spring when it's not so cold & HOPEFULLY I'm stronger & doing more they can try & get me back in to work on some more wheelchair stuff, transfers & just whatever new stuff i need or can think of. So it just kinda sux, but now I'm free to do my pool as long as I want & I'll have more time to do weights & stuff..
Hope everyone's havin' a good week.
This weekend is Homecomming @ Southeast Missouri State so alot of my friends will be back in town so I may try to meet up with them Fri. night. I dunno yet. Alot of them will want to go downtown & hit the bars & the ones they usually go to I either can't get around in/can't even get into or don't want to b/c it's all frat boys & sorority girls which annoy the fuck outta me. So we'll see what happens.
POSIBLE trip to Six Flags Sat. It's still waaaay up in the air.
Today they officially cut me off from therapy.. Yeah it sux! Thank you Medicaid!! Noone told me it was gonna happen until TODAY! So I'm just getting a membership to the gym & I'll use the pool & weights on my own & just work on other stuff here @ home. IF in a few weeks I start to get stronger & can do more OR if I see that I'm losing ground the therapists are gonna TRY to get me back in. If nothing else come spring when it's not so cold & HOPEFULLY I'm stronger & doing more they can try & get me back in to work on some more wheelchair stuff, transfers & just whatever new stuff i need or can think of. So it just kinda sux, but now I'm free to do my pool as long as I want & I'll have more time to do weights & stuff..
Hope everyone's havin' a good week.
I don't know how you can stand this Physio shit!! It HURTS!!!