Sommetimes you're the windshield & sometimes you're the bug....

Say what now? How is your art coming along?!?!
I kept the right ones out
And let the wrong ones in
Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins"

I don't even know what to write...

My classes have finally forced me to sit down & draw & try to be creative. I guess that's a good thing... I hate being constricted to one idea of thinking though.

but. . . but. . . small beer is TWO words!
Wow I'm not taking two weeks to update...KEWL!

Today is just more of a rant than anything. I hate when someone has a title or a degree & the automtically think that puts them on a higher level than you. So I've been doing online classes since Jan., granted I'm only going part time (1 class every 5 & 1/2 weeks) but still since this...
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kiss kiss
I'm getting to the point I only update about every other week.. I used to update every other day, but I don't have alot to say. Nothing really exciting going on lately. I work on school, play on the ol' ps2, read me some comic books, look up tattoo designs, I TRY to get to the gym/pool as much as possible whatever which isn't nearly as...
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woot woot!~ give it up for wheelchairs! wink your mom is so nice biggrin
yee! you love me?!? neat!

the look on my face would surely have been priceless. i could feel daggers coming out of my eyes.
Well well well... Not a whole lot new goin' on I suppose. I actually have a free day from class! I stressed HARD last week on my final for the class. I pulled it out though, still holdin' straight A's.. I'm only part time though so that kinda takes away from the big "good job" I guess. All I know is it's helpin' out my...
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I'm sorry you miss those things. frown
timing is everything.
So much I wanna say but don't know what to say or I just don't wanna say.... I dunno. I'm very random tonite.... I just need to ent but don't know how right now. It's not like I have a HUGE ammount of stress or anything, it's just alot of little things buildin up & it's becoming a big thing I guess. I'm just annoyed...
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So this week (the 9th) has officially been 2 years since my car accident..... The 13th is 2years since I had the actual surgery to repair my neck.....The last week of June was 2 years since my dads heart attack... Not only that but 1 year ago on the SAME date my friend Chris passed away at only 21..... A year ago this week I...
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boyish charm is always good wink

you're a toughie...glad to see that a major car accident and a lot of bad things happening to you and your loved ones hasn't kept you down! biggrin
Ah hell where do I start??? Hhhmmmm.. All these hours of watchin Sponge Bob have started getting to me I tell ya'! Not been alot of anything exciting going on really. I've got about a week & a half left on typography & the I'm done! Thank god! This professor has been a royal pain in my ass! ow can someone tell you that you...
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thanks a bunch...she really needs the help...she's got 2 kids by him.

good thing you caught that staph infection early....those things can get nasty. i had two last summer...with the assistance of a brown recluse bite.

good luck with school and the girl!
Hi hi smile

Its been waaay too long but anyway...I'm not sure if I ever said thanks for commenting on my new set, so thanks! smile Glad you liked it smileblush

Gawd...I never get a chance to get on here lately & I'm not really that busy. Schools back in & I hate it even more than usual. Gotta love a Proffessor who just says "Here's your assignment. Have fun!" & the you say "I'm pretty lost here can anyone gimme some help. I have no idea how to use Adobe Illustrator can someone help me...
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sink or swim with the adobe, eh? i guess that's one way of learning!
Oooooooo back to school, back to school... It's that time again kids, yep time for classes! whatever Yeah I REALLY thrilled can't ya' tell. I get to kick off this session with Typography.. Which is all done in Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign... eeek Yeah I'm just getting my fucking feet wet in Photoshop.. I have ten count 'em 10 "sketches" due yesterday..... Monday when checked my stuff...
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Weeeell weeell well. How the hell was everyones 4th?? Good I hope, 'cause mine was pretty damn good. Bree had to go home Mon. afternoon so we went & bought a whole bunch of stuff Sun & set it off for her that night. I saved a bag a random loud & fun stuff for the actual 4th though. biggrin My mom dropped $20 on the...
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Thanks for the set comments! kiss

thanks 4 the b-day love! kiss

frustrated with women, huh? yeah, we're a strange breed...makes me glad i'm attracted to men whatever sorry to hear it altho from your journal...things sound better smile