Last Friday evening my grandmother passed away after only 11 days of knowing she had cancer. It's been such a rollercoaster since the 13th of last month. It's insane, it's like a bad dream I can't wake up from. I'm 2 1/2 weeks behind in class & have so much to get done in such a short time, it's day 7 of week 4 out...
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frown Don't leave. You can be sad here too. Its okay. Your life sounds a bit of a mess. I hear ya there...but everything will be okay. I am sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Thats so sad. You will get your inspiration back...I have been lacking that myself latley...along with drive and determination. Changing is the hardest thing ever...it is hard being one way your whole life and then having to unlearn the not so healty stuff. Everything will be okay.
I'm so sorry frown I don't know what else to say. Take care of yourself!
Officially the worste week ever....
Monday morning my mom took my grandma to the ER b/c she has been feeling bad for a week or so and had just gotten really weak. After a few hours the ER doc comes back and tells them that my granma had some spots on her lungs that look like cancer and that it looks secondary, mean it's spread...
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Sorry to randomly bust into your business, but I was reading your description of how you were injured in the "people with disabilities group" and I have a question for you. Did you do your in-patient rehab at Kessler in NJ? If so I think I heard stories about you. wink If not, it was just someone else who was injured in remarkably similar circumstances...
I had a nice long update typed out & it was lost... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! mad frown mad frown Dammit all to hell!

I've got a painting class that started on thurs and I'm so far behind... I just don't like it. I have never been a fan of painting and this class is no different. This is going to be a loooong 5 1/2 weeks... whatever

Still dealing with my fucking...
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neat! a friend of mine and her husband are touring with disney on ice!
I wish Disney on Ice would come here..... Sorry about your toof, that sucks.
It's been getting colder and rainy the last week or two & I don't like it at all! This kind of weather just makes want to sleep and do nothing.

A couple months back I managed to chip a tooth, my very back bottom one if that makes sense. Well not having insurance I haven't done anything about it and it just slowly gotten worse....
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ooh, cocker spaniels are adorable!!!
It's snowing here. I accidentally chipped my left front tooth on my tongue's barbell a couple of months back, but it's minor, they can fix it with grinding. I have a foster dog named Bear - he's a lab shep cross. Puppies are so cute, have fun. Hallowe'en night I watched Halloween: Ressurection - it kinda sucked. Have a fun weekend smile
If I can't talk to stranger, then i can't talk to you!
GOod lord! So many pics!
haha oh you. i almost bought it.
So I sat here cropping and re-sizeing pics, dowloading some SG podcasts & updating my iPod for a couple hours & then I took a break to watch the baseball game & then realized... I have a shit ton of home work for tonite!!! eeek

So it look like my picture update will have to wait until tomorrow. mad whatever
I quess I'm off to do homework now...
That sucks that you didn't have your cam...it must have been a great show!!
I will be sure to bring mine tonight! It should be fun! I am looking forward to it. Have a great day! smile
LEVEL 8! NO! SURELY NOT! it would take you minutes upon minutes to level to 8 again! hahaha yeah school should be fun. maybe i can get a job doing something that benefits the community... like gettin um waisted. haha
So I PROMISE I will be doing a good update & some catching up tomorrow. it just feels like I been non stop lately.. Which is good & bad I guess...
Hope everyone is well.
. ARRR!!!
Oh man I need to sit down & do an update... Lot's of fun stuff the last week or so & more to come! SG Burlesque lastnite! Fucking AWESOME aside from the jackass who kept standing in front of me blocking my veiw!! mad Then I didn't get to meet the girls b/c they were upstairs & well wheelchairs don't do upstairs very well! frown LOL I...
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Well hello! smile Glad you like my shower pics. blush
2 yrs and now it's going to soon be over ...................I'm happy the marriage is ending just sacred of the future.
Uh oh.....

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Looks like I may be able to make it to SG in STL after all!!! eeek smile biggrin

It's on thurs night so I'm not totally sure yet since it's kind of a spur of the moment so I'm not getting TOO excited yet BUT.... we'll see. biggrin

that does sound like fun. hey thanks for stopping by my set and leaving that comment, muchos appreciados smile <3
I hope you have fun wink

I find Best Buy to be pricey. I got my copy from Wal-Mart - I've watched it 4 times. Sooo good. Take care.
Bleh... That's about how I feel... Last week was such a fun week, where did it go?? Classes started up today, on the up side it's online so I can go to class in my pj's or just in my damn underwear if I want!

I got on here & really wanted to write but not so much now....................
Just a few more hours & I'll be chillin' in field box seats @ Busch Stadium kickin' back some beers (which I really can't afford)! I'm pretty stoked. I almost got stuck with 2 $85 tickects b/c one of my friends couldn't go b/c of his job, even though he's known about this for MONTHS now, & another his wifes grandfather passed away & the...
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I'm off like a prom dress!
on a hott summer night?
mmm tattoo cravings.

i feel you on that one.

<3 j.
I was up 'till about 5 this morning finishing it up b/c some of my files got all messed up or something. I don't know what the hell happened, all I know is I basically had to redo the entire fucking thing.... I managed to pull an A out of this fucker though! So yeah I'm free from A LOT of stress now.

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good job on the A
Well, the duel will involve cooking, and since I'm leary of putting my precious bits near hot hot metal, I am going to say that it will probably not involve nakedness. Not that anyone would want to see me naked, anyway. puke

Glad to see you're doing well!
