I really need to sit down & update this BUT I look at the screen & nothing comes to me. I could ramble on about lots of nonsense but who wants to read that right?

Well first off I hope everyone had a kick ass 4th of July. Nothing really super exciting here. I had to go to my 3rd or 4th wedding of the...
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thanks hun! kiss
Ok so my heads doin' ok. I've had a little head ache off & on but it's no biggie. Plus my neck's a little stiff & my shoulders are sore but not as bad as the days go by. It's nothing I'm gonna worry about.

I had to go to a wedding Sat. but I ended up just going to the reception, since I was...
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thanks for commenting on my set! smile
Finally went to see Pirates the other night. DAMN GOOD MOVIE! It was long as hell though. I didn't realize it until I'm setting in a cold theatre after about 2 hours. My break so far has been pretty boring so far. I've just chilled outside & done a little reading. It's rained off and on a lot the last few days so I haven't...
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Update time.... So let's see what's been going on with my life. We went to the Superman Celebration in Metropolis, IL. Erica Durance from Smallville was supposed to be there but she had sugery or something so she couldn't make it. She signed a bunch of posters though so I was still able to get her autograph, it cost me though. Plus I met Helen...
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oooooo sweet tea is the best lol
heh! thank you!
2 more days until I FINALLY get a 3 week break from class!!! Lot's of beer to be drank!! biggrin
congrats! i hope you have been drinking your beer as your blog says... smile

thanks for checking out the debut! i appreciate the love & support! biggrin

ooxx, sindri
So so sooooo much to do & so very little time! blackeyed I've had company of some sort or another since before memorial day... eeek My daughters been here all week but she's not really "company" but I'm just not used to her being here a solid week straight.

I've been butting heads with my parents, my dad mostly, hardcore. My dad got in from work last...
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Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx
I'm FINALLY getting over this sinus crap I have had for over a week now.. I ended up i the ER last Fri night b/c my eyes were so bloodshot & swollen on top of watering & a busted blood vessel.. blackeyed It was bad stuff. So after a day or so of eye drops prescription eye drops that's gone. Now I just can't seem to...
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I'm sorry...it sounds stupid but because I'm not racist and I don't judge people that often I totally forget that other people do. If that makes sense.

Like...I should have totally guessed that was the reason when reading your journal. Sorry i had to ask because I'm stupid.

I hope they get over it though - it's so not a big deal at all.
glad your feelin better, sounds rough
Yay I'm sick ! ! frown I hate allergies. It started of just sneezing & itchy eyes on Fri & all of a sudden Sun it kicked high gear. I've take Allergra, Alkasezer(sp), Tylenol & other shit, plus I've drank so much oj it's ridiculous & it just won't go away.. Of course getting a little drunk at a wedding Sat probablly didn't help any. lol...
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Yeah I completely understand - my Nikon was a gift (an amazing one and I'm in love with it) but when I got it I was working and hardly ever used it.

But it's something that's never going to die if that makes sense - like I'm going to have it for years and years even if I do use it everyday I'm glad I have it.

Hopefully in time I'll acquire things like different lenses and stuff like that.
try a nasal cleanse, where you flush your sinuses with saline water...it works wonders
I should really be working on class stuff right now buuuuut... My brain is just fried right now. We just finished up our group projects, which I'm REALLY happy of in some ways but now we're going solo, which I'm really happy about too but it can be hard switching gears like that.

I haven't slept worth a damn the last week or more.. Like...
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Damn it's been awhile since I've made a update or even checked in on everyone. I popped on a few days ago and was rather sad to see that Benni had passed away.. frown My thoughts & prayers go out to her family & loved ones.

So what's been going on with me? Well school...school...& yeah school. Life's been a little boring lately. School's going pretty...
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Well let that be a lesson to you - MAKE TIME FOR SG AND FAYE!
Thanks so much for the comment you left on my rejected set!!!
Good lord I need to sit down & do an update...

I've had so much shit going on but I've been doing a whole lot of nothing at the sametime.. Make sense? Sure it does.

For now I'm just saying hello to everyone & yes I'm still alive! Ithink... confused I'll try to sit down 7 do a REAL update soon. Until then hope everyone is...
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She remade the song as a joke and to poke fun at the music industry, movies videos and stupid band called The Black Eyed Peas