I just gotta vent here....

Why are people soooo fucking stupid?? I mean seriously c'mon, it's like people have NO common sense anymore. No I don't have a specific example but it's just those times when someone says something and all you can do is look at them because there is no real response. Okay maybe I can through a couple examples out there.. Last...
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Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Here's a plast from the past!

So, what's been going on with everyone lately.. hhmmmm? I can't really say there's been a lot going on here really. Went to see Dane Cook in Stl on the 2nd which was a damn good time. Tickets were $100 a piece.. Yeah So I forked out a around $275-300 so me and my girl could go. It was good but I'm not sure it...
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Good lord I need a tall stiff drink! The last two weeks have been a crazy rollercoaster of highs & lows in about every way possible. My job I was so excited to start has been put on hold until I dunno when. Since the business is just starting they have to get all the liscence and the other b.s.. I was almost single at...
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Nope...it never stops. But you gotta take life's highs with the lows.
I've tried to sit down and actually write a post and catch up with people 4 or 5 times now and I either get side tracked or just have too much other crap going on that I just don't have enough time to. I've noticed my friends on here have dropped by almost half so if you're reading this I haven't forgotten about you guys!...
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Sleep is good! smile
I know everytime I make a post I say I'm gonna catch up with everyone but if it's not one thing it's another lately. I've been sick as hell the last almost 2 weeks now. I'd start to get better then the next day, BOOM! I back down again. I felt like ass on Sat but had promised my daughter we'd go to the Fair,...
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I'm in desperate need of a really long road trip. I'm talking somewhere besides STL though. St. Louis is a nice break and all but it just seems like I've been there a million times. It's mostly concerts and baseball games though, a little shopping thrown in here & there. I just wanna go to Chicago or somthing for a weekend. I just need to...
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I really have discovered I am a compulsive spender, which is NOT a good thing. I get on kicks where I do this. I see something I have been wanting & it's on sale or I just think I have to have it. I hate the fact I can buy shit online too. I get bored & find shit that I really don't HAVE to...
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So Warped Tour was basically a wast of about $70. It was around 102-105 degrees outside plus it was on blacktop so it felt like the heat index was probably 110-115. I used to do really well in the heat but damn not anymore. It's all tied in with the break in my neck. Most quads just don't sweat below the injury level. Meaning I...
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ugh, i've nearly given up on outdoor music fests. of course as soon as i decided that-- a friend booked us tickets for one in september. i feel like i should start drinking extra water now to prepare for all the sweating i'll do. . . . .
Once again it's been awhile since I've been on here. Thanks for keepin' me on your friends list guys & girls. There's just been so much random shit going on. I wish I could say it was mostly good things but it's been the opposite. Class has killed me these last few weeks. I've had big time issues with my ex and things concerning my...
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Haha ur awesome Incubus is one of my favorite bands EVER.

I just found my Rancid today and had it playing while I was painting today.


When I was at this really obscure club last week they played hip hop hooray by naughty by nature. It was SO great.
Totally made my night.
Famly Values was SWEEEET!

Thanks for your comment on my set!