Ah, slang is a wonderful thing isn't it!??
Charlie Murphy (noun) - Derivative of a Donkey Punch -The act of sodomizing a woman on crutches, and then striking her in the back of the head with a feces filled brown bag (see also Shit Slap Shirley).
Shit Blister (noun) - A fetish act where one uses a hypodermic needle to create a small fluid bubble of fecal liquid (i.e. diarrhea, enema or otherwise based) just under the top layer of the flesh.
Ahhh ... tasty!
Charlie Murphy (noun) - Derivative of a Donkey Punch -The act of sodomizing a woman on crutches, and then striking her in the back of the head with a feces filled brown bag (see also Shit Slap Shirley).
Shit Blister (noun) - A fetish act where one uses a hypodermic needle to create a small fluid bubble of fecal liquid (i.e. diarrhea, enema or otherwise based) just under the top layer of the flesh.
Ahhh ... tasty!

I'm so hungry now !
I like the Dirty Sanchez myself.