... yawn ... I am tired. I think that is why I decided to start a comic using my main two characters from World of Warcraft today. The jokes are all relating to World of Warcraft and this is a smaller version of the original, but hey ... you can still read it. This is my first stab at comics so ... cut me some slack! haha ... This one is based off of how the paladin class of characters is like a big walking tank that can heal other players and a mage wears cloth and can die quick but mages can do massive damage in a short amount of time. If too much damage is done, the monsters go after then. Then you have to hit on the monster to do enough damage to piss it off enough to start attacking you instead.
Oh, and some quick terms ...
AOE = area of effect, large spell that will piss off everything
Aggro = like anger ... when monsters get pissed and attack ya
Rez = Bring a character back to life
That should help you understand what this is about.

Oh, and some quick terms ...
AOE = area of effect, large spell that will piss off everything
Aggro = like anger ... when monsters get pissed and attack ya
Rez = Bring a character back to life
That should help you understand what this is about.

However, it was still kinda cute.
Not bad for a first attempt.