You know ... there is one good thing about being sick and staying home playing with my new iPod shuffle ... I got to play some WoW and have some dance party USA fun!
Other then that ... man ... I don't know what I ended up eating that made me so freakin sick but god ... I hate puking sooooo much ... expecially when you get that "if I could only puke I would feel better but I just dry heave for a sec and stop" stuff going on. It was like 5am before I could finally sleep. Cry-cry ... someone summon me a tissue.

Other then that ... man ... I don't know what I ended up eating that made me so freakin sick but god ... I hate puking sooooo much ... expecially when you get that "if I could only puke I would feel better but I just dry heave for a sec and stop" stuff going on. It was like 5am before I could finally sleep. Cry-cry ... someone summon me a tissue.

I feel ya on that. I don't know when the ass faucet will stop running.

Gotta love that gaming non stop. Hey Have you seen the Bam's movie called Haggard?