So, it's 12:31 on Oct 1st, so ... that means it's the B's birthday! 30 years old and I can still get carded for purchasing smokey treats for friends, so that would indicate that I still have my youthful looks. So, take that hair club for men! Sigh .... I can remember it like it was yesterday. October 1st 1974 at 1:43 in the afternoon. That was the first vagina I had ever had my fist in. While my motor skills had not fully developed and I knew pubes would soon sprout from my privates as my genitalia enlarges over time ... I knew from that moment on ... that I must seek out to conquer vaginas across the land!
... uh ... or something.
Watched the presidential election debate round one tonight. I usually try to avoid the issue of politics but I am for Kerry this time. Bush just looked like a tool tonight as he as struggling for words ... kind of made it seem like he was not much competition for the K-meister tonight. ... that's all I have to say about the debate tonight ... the polls tomorrow will show how everyone feels.
Oh ... check out this link ... it's pretty funny! Some of you probably have already seen it, but it's still funny as sheet!
Well, off to nappy time ... ZZZzzzzz ... zz ...

Watched the presidential election debate round one tonight. I usually try to avoid the issue of politics but I am for Kerry this time. Bush just looked like a tool tonight as he as struggling for words ... kind of made it seem like he was not much competition for the K-meister tonight. ... that's all I have to say about the debate tonight ... the polls tomorrow will show how everyone feels.
Oh ... check out this link ... it's pretty funny! Some of you probably have already seen it, but it's still funny as sheet!
Well, off to nappy time ... ZZZzzzzz ... zz ...
Hey there, happy birfday, big B!

happy b-day fellow firstian!