Oh. I didn't even realize I had err...comments. But I did. Hmm.
What'd I do?
I turned triangle waves into square waves and sine waves into out of phase sine waves.
Then I took a bus to a 'burb and walked back and forth up main 'burb street waiting for the Trader Joe's closing stock crew to be done with their stocking and closing so I could jump in the dumpster - but they apparently don't finish before the last bus back from 'burb-dom.
I've been out there once before.
In a friend's car.
Great haul.
All the TJ's in the city use compactors.
I walked up on one of the people while he was throwing things in the dumpster and said "Howdy!"
He was surprised and I said, "You guys sure do throw away a lot of good stuff."
He said, "We have to. It's trash."
I not too overtly grunted my distaste for his attitude and we said something else...?
And then he said, "Everything in here is spoiled."
I have been eating out of dumpsters for a long time now.
Large amounts of my diet have been dumpstered for the last year and I've been almost COMPLETELY dumpster based for the last couple months.
Trash is a relative term but spoiled is just plain untrue.
At one point while walking back and forth (with the free wok I got from freecycle today and some big bags - ech heavy) I decided I'd dumpster the Hollywood Video while waiting to hit TJ's. This video store shared it's dumpster with a Panera Bread. So I pulled out the clean new trash bag I brought along for unpackaged foods and grabbed a whole mess of tasty breads from the Panera waste (ugh - heavier).
Wasn't sure I'd make it home...second to last 77 (paid fare/got transfer) to sit on the last 66 at Harvard until the last train got in (used transfer). Didn't even know if I'd catch the 39 and certainly wasn't wanting to pay another fare but found a transfer on the ground moments before the last 39 came screaming around the corner. The buses move very quickly (dangerously) after everyone else is off the street.
Bread on the kitchen table.
It's not the veggies and ??? I wanted from the TJ's dumpster but I wanted bread too...
Never too inflexible.
I'll sort and cut and freeze it in the morning.
Have to get my back wheel fixed and buy those panniers so I can do the ~12 mile ride at later hours and jump TJ's whenever (barring massive snow) I want and get some nice exercise at the same time. Oh - I asked the dude if he liked working at Trader Joe's. That was the bit in the middle - he does. "They treat us well." I've heard that a lot. So maybe when I actually need to work again I will try to get just a shift or two of overnight stock work at one of the closer stores. I think I know a manager-ish person at the Copley store from early MassArt days - maybe I can get her to bring me in. Whatever - I'll keep not working and start selling off belongings.
Now I'm bored.
And I can't listen to my new not-yet-listened-to ABSU Mythological Occult Metal at proper volumes because other people need to sleep.
What'd I do?
I turned triangle waves into square waves and sine waves into out of phase sine waves.
Then I took a bus to a 'burb and walked back and forth up main 'burb street waiting for the Trader Joe's closing stock crew to be done with their stocking and closing so I could jump in the dumpster - but they apparently don't finish before the last bus back from 'burb-dom.
I've been out there once before.
In a friend's car.
Great haul.
All the TJ's in the city use compactors.
I walked up on one of the people while he was throwing things in the dumpster and said "Howdy!"
He was surprised and I said, "You guys sure do throw away a lot of good stuff."
He said, "We have to. It's trash."
I not too overtly grunted my distaste for his attitude and we said something else...?
And then he said, "Everything in here is spoiled."
I have been eating out of dumpsters for a long time now.
Large amounts of my diet have been dumpstered for the last year and I've been almost COMPLETELY dumpster based for the last couple months.
Trash is a relative term but spoiled is just plain untrue.
At one point while walking back and forth (with the free wok I got from freecycle today and some big bags - ech heavy) I decided I'd dumpster the Hollywood Video while waiting to hit TJ's. This video store shared it's dumpster with a Panera Bread. So I pulled out the clean new trash bag I brought along for unpackaged foods and grabbed a whole mess of tasty breads from the Panera waste (ugh - heavier).
Wasn't sure I'd make it home...second to last 77 (paid fare/got transfer) to sit on the last 66 at Harvard until the last train got in (used transfer). Didn't even know if I'd catch the 39 and certainly wasn't wanting to pay another fare but found a transfer on the ground moments before the last 39 came screaming around the corner. The buses move very quickly (dangerously) after everyone else is off the street.
Bread on the kitchen table.
It's not the veggies and ??? I wanted from the TJ's dumpster but I wanted bread too...
Never too inflexible.
I'll sort and cut and freeze it in the morning.
Have to get my back wheel fixed and buy those panniers so I can do the ~12 mile ride at later hours and jump TJ's whenever (barring massive snow) I want and get some nice exercise at the same time. Oh - I asked the dude if he liked working at Trader Joe's. That was the bit in the middle - he does. "They treat us well." I've heard that a lot. So maybe when I actually need to work again I will try to get just a shift or two of overnight stock work at one of the closer stores. I think I know a manager-ish person at the Copley store from early MassArt days - maybe I can get her to bring me in. Whatever - I'll keep not working and start selling off belongings.
Now I'm bored.
And I can't listen to my new not-yet-listened-to ABSU Mythological Occult Metal at proper volumes because other people need to sleep.