Hey guys!
I've decided to start writing a blog, for better or worse. This is the first time I have ever written about myself or what I get up to so please be gentle ;) I persuaded my self to do this as it would be a bit of fun and hopefully interesting to someone. I originally tried to put this up in video form but quickly found that I am not much of a speaker!
So... "Reinventing myself?", not so much; I am merely becoming the person that I have always wanted to be. To put it bluntly I am a metalhead but to look at me you wouldn't know it. I don't dress in such a stereo typical fashion for a metalhead which is a shame because the reason I don't is that I am too much of a pansy and care a little too much about what others think. However quite recently I have changed that view to "Sod it", this isn't to say that I am totally disregarding what people think (by people I am referring mainly to family) as I think its some what important to listen to these opinions. It is however going to be quite interesting as I've now left home and where I live and work people are more.... main stream so being the only alt person in the village is going to have some unique challenges. Never the less I am looking forward to ditching the clown suits that I usually wear to "fit in" and being the person I want to be, its all quite bizarre as this is often a challenge taken on by kids in high school/college not by a 21 year old but that just means its about time I sorted myself out.
Its only a short intro to what will become hopefully a fairly regular blog, that hopefully someone other than me reads... if not never mind eh?! And if anyone can guess the name of the band/album that's hidden in the title feel free to leave a comment?
P.S.: If you need a clue.... Dimebag left his make in this band!