I keep getting pulled into a conversation about, "is everyone part of the same experience here on earth?" In this case the person was wondering if everyone has the innate ability to be a musician? Some people need to be listeners, for a musician to be successful. Some people are driven to make music; and we can't understand why; but we got to get out there and do it. Some people need to models, and others fans of the models. Artists need to create, etc. All these people are interacting and growing together from their shared experiences.
Then some people have no ambition, or curiosity.
If we create our own reality, we only have to create or immediate surroundings. The rest of the world and people are implied by memory, and appear to exist in live communications. If we never go to someone's house; it might not actually exist. True for the fact it may be a Mail Box only, also in the framework of creating our own reality. Most everything is implied, in the framework of creating our own reality. Including the lives of people we don't know. Possibly they don't have lives, and they are just placeholders.
I watched Neighbors, with John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. John Belushi plays a boring, upper middle class, working stiff. A guy who has checked on life. Then new neighbors move in. The boring guy becomes part of living again. He chose not to remain a placeholder.