Alright folks...
Due to a few things lately, I'm going grey, and wont be back around. I hope that I will still be welcome at ATLiens events, because I dig you guys, and don't want to lose touch with any of you. For the out of towners, feel free to contact me at Ghettoride81 on AIM, or DireChocobo on Yahoo.
In other news...
I met SallyStatic's boyfriend yesterday when I went to Psycho3 to get a new labret ring. Hellova nice guy. Oddly enough, we went through school knowing a lot of the same folks, and had never met before yesterday.
I <3 my new labret stud. Disc front. Yay.
Got a pretty kick ass shirt at Hot Topic. No stupid ass sayings or lame ass bands. Just a cool shirt. Fucking amazing, right? Theres this girl that works there that started talking to me because I was wearing my SG hoodie. Now, usually, I like more petite gals, like say Fatality's size, but I've been absolutely stupid over this girl since the first time I saw her, and she's kinda hefty. Not like, amorphous blob of Jabba the Hut hefty, but she's a big ol' gal, and I'm all like
and shit. Marine boyfriend though...hmm. Thats a definite no.
I think I have a spot of skin cancer. Or something...I should get it checked out.
I need to see a dermatologist bad anyway. I've got moles out the wazoo, and wouldn't doubt theres a few cancerous spots.
Oh yeah, anyway, back to the half decent news! Why the fuck can I never bring myself to talk to a girl? The fuck is wrong with me? Theres this girl named Julie at the Best Buy in Douglasville I'm all retarded over too. Rediculous man. And dammit, I wanted that Steven Malkmus CD yesterday, and those bastards didnt have it.
Dear lord I fucked my back up yesterday. When I was headed home, Kevin called me and asked me to help him move a TV, so I made the long ass drive from Douglasville to Newnan to help him out. Fucking shit folks, when a friend of yours that you know is a fat out of shape dork asks you to help move a 36 inch Sony Trinitron up a flight of steps, bring another person with you. Jesus. I damn near got a hernia, and my back is killing me. That shit sucked. Those TV's weigh upwards of 320 lbs, and I eneded up doing most of it myself. But hell, Kevin and Scott were never into lifting weights and stuff when we were in school, so whateva. It's just not what those guys do. I used to, but haven't in ages. No cash to join a gym, no where to put a weight set.
Now, to go see if ol' Dirty Sanchez (adventchildren) wants to grub up some food. I never get to see that kid anymore.

Due to a few things lately, I'm going grey, and wont be back around. I hope that I will still be welcome at ATLiens events, because I dig you guys, and don't want to lose touch with any of you. For the out of towners, feel free to contact me at Ghettoride81 on AIM, or DireChocobo on Yahoo.
In other news...
I met SallyStatic's boyfriend yesterday when I went to Psycho3 to get a new labret ring. Hellova nice guy. Oddly enough, we went through school knowing a lot of the same folks, and had never met before yesterday.
I <3 my new labret stud. Disc front. Yay.

Got a pretty kick ass shirt at Hot Topic. No stupid ass sayings or lame ass bands. Just a cool shirt. Fucking amazing, right? Theres this girl that works there that started talking to me because I was wearing my SG hoodie. Now, usually, I like more petite gals, like say Fatality's size, but I've been absolutely stupid over this girl since the first time I saw her, and she's kinda hefty. Not like, amorphous blob of Jabba the Hut hefty, but she's a big ol' gal, and I'm all like

I think I have a spot of skin cancer. Or something...I should get it checked out.

Oh yeah, anyway, back to the half decent news! Why the fuck can I never bring myself to talk to a girl? The fuck is wrong with me? Theres this girl named Julie at the Best Buy in Douglasville I'm all retarded over too. Rediculous man. And dammit, I wanted that Steven Malkmus CD yesterday, and those bastards didnt have it.
Dear lord I fucked my back up yesterday. When I was headed home, Kevin called me and asked me to help him move a TV, so I made the long ass drive from Douglasville to Newnan to help him out. Fucking shit folks, when a friend of yours that you know is a fat out of shape dork asks you to help move a 36 inch Sony Trinitron up a flight of steps, bring another person with you. Jesus. I damn near got a hernia, and my back is killing me. That shit sucked. Those TV's weigh upwards of 320 lbs, and I eneded up doing most of it myself. But hell, Kevin and Scott were never into lifting weights and stuff when we were in school, so whateva. It's just not what those guys do. I used to, but haven't in ages. No cash to join a gym, no where to put a weight set.
Now, to go see if ol' Dirty Sanchez (adventchildren) wants to grub up some food. I never get to see that kid anymore.

[apparently I can not type]
[Edited on Sep 26, 2005 12:13AM]