Wednesday, in a word, SUCKED MY ASS.
On my first delivery of the day, at roughly 11:30 AM, I get run off the road, not once, but twice within about 100 feet or so.
I get stuck at a train crossing that I need to go over, because this asshole train, always just stops on the tracks, every goddamn fucking time I'm in a hurry, and need to use that road.
So I go down to the next crossing. This train, in it's eternal striving to make my life suck, moves up to that crossing, and stops.
Fuck you train. Fuck you.
So, I wait around a minute, to see if it moves out of the way. No deal, so I three-point to turn around to go back to the first crossing. Here comes this dumbass bitch just gleefully driving down the wrong side of the road, not paying one lick of attention. So I swerve into the grass, kinda hard, to avoid getting hit. The dipshit just drives on by, within 6 inches of my car, and doesnt even look.
I'm pissed, I hang her a bird, and gun it, and probably leave a rut in the grass about a mile wide, since the rear of the car skidded around, while at the same time, getting no traction up front. When I hit the road finally, I'm at the speed limit pretty quick, but lo and behold, here comes another dumbfuck not paying attention, that pulls a three-point, and comes straight at my ass. Not even looking where shes going. Had my window been down, I could have punched her hood it was so close, before I hit the grass again to keep from getting in a wreck. I hit the grass hard as hell, almost clipped a telephone pole on the way back out while I was skidding sideways, and when I caught the pavement, I skidded all the way across the road, and almost up onto the sidewalk.
I should have let one of these two dumbasses hit me. I would have loved to have seen that first one explain to the cops why she was driving on the wrong side of the road, with a carfull of kids. Really. But no, I went about my job, because I'M THE FUCKIN' PIZZA GUY!
Later on that night, after getting my ritual Wednesday mexican food, I drove by there with Kris and Diante, and there were some fierce skidmarks where I went across the road.
Anyway...later on in the day, on a delivery where I had to drive by my house, I noticed that all the rain lately had caused my porch roof to start sagging in one spot, and that it broke the wrought iron post in one spot.
Whoever put the roof over the porch was a dumb-ass. Yes, I had to put a pause in between syllables. First off, the roof is flat. Anything under a 20 degree slant needs something higher grade than shingles. And guess what it has. C'mon, guess. ...Shingles!
Shingles->1x4->beams->beaded plywood->vinyl.
Dumbest. Roof design. Ever.
Since the roof was shingled, water was leaking through, which got caught in between the beaded plywood and vinyl, which caused some serious rot in a few places. I wont have to replace the entire roof structure, but I do need to do some pain in the ass work to repair it.
Oh yeah, and, I got a flat tire on one of my deliveries! YAY! It couldn't be patched either, that thing was fucked up. Yay fun running off the road.
So Wednesday sucked!
I'm a broke ass bitch!
I missed the Avenge Vegas show because I'm a broke as bitch!
Dianna called me a little while ago!
I ran into someone I went to high school with.
I hate these people why must I see them places, and why must they recognize me?
Time to feed the lizards!

Wednesday, in a word, SUCKED MY ASS.
On my first delivery of the day, at roughly 11:30 AM, I get run off the road, not once, but twice within about 100 feet or so.
I get stuck at a train crossing that I need to go over, because this asshole train, always just stops on the tracks, every goddamn fucking time I'm in a hurry, and need to use that road.
So I go down to the next crossing. This train, in it's eternal striving to make my life suck, moves up to that crossing, and stops.
Fuck you train. Fuck you.
So, I wait around a minute, to see if it moves out of the way. No deal, so I three-point to turn around to go back to the first crossing. Here comes this dumbass bitch just gleefully driving down the wrong side of the road, not paying one lick of attention. So I swerve into the grass, kinda hard, to avoid getting hit. The dipshit just drives on by, within 6 inches of my car, and doesnt even look.
I'm pissed, I hang her a bird, and gun it, and probably leave a rut in the grass about a mile wide, since the rear of the car skidded around, while at the same time, getting no traction up front. When I hit the road finally, I'm at the speed limit pretty quick, but lo and behold, here comes another dumbfuck not paying attention, that pulls a three-point, and comes straight at my ass. Not even looking where shes going. Had my window been down, I could have punched her hood it was so close, before I hit the grass again to keep from getting in a wreck. I hit the grass hard as hell, almost clipped a telephone pole on the way back out while I was skidding sideways, and when I caught the pavement, I skidded all the way across the road, and almost up onto the sidewalk.
I should have let one of these two dumbasses hit me. I would have loved to have seen that first one explain to the cops why she was driving on the wrong side of the road, with a carfull of kids. Really. But no, I went about my job, because I'M THE FUCKIN' PIZZA GUY!
Later on that night, after getting my ritual Wednesday mexican food, I drove by there with Kris and Diante, and there were some fierce skidmarks where I went across the road.
Anyway...later on in the day, on a delivery where I had to drive by my house, I noticed that all the rain lately had caused my porch roof to start sagging in one spot, and that it broke the wrought iron post in one spot.

Shingles->1x4->beams->beaded plywood->vinyl.
Dumbest. Roof design. Ever.
Since the roof was shingled, water was leaking through, which got caught in between the beaded plywood and vinyl, which caused some serious rot in a few places. I wont have to replace the entire roof structure, but I do need to do some pain in the ass work to repair it.
Oh yeah, and, I got a flat tire on one of my deliveries! YAY! It couldn't be patched either, that thing was fucked up. Yay fun running off the road.
So Wednesday sucked!
I'm a broke ass bitch!
I missed the Avenge Vegas show because I'm a broke as bitch!

Dianna called me a little while ago!

I ran into someone I went to high school with.

Time to feed the lizards!

It made me smile! Thanks!
Beep Boop Beep!!