Yeah, it was pretty fucking awesome overall.
How close were we?
Oh, and whats this "we" shit, when I went alone? I met the most amazing girl. Exchanged numbers with a quickness, and hung out the whole show.
Yeah, I finally grew a pair and talked to a gal, and it almost couldn't have gone better. Agreed on pretty much everything we talked about. How much we hate the ignorant south, the bible belt, rich people, and the virtues of growing up poor. She even wanted to hear all the same songs I wanted to hear at the show. When I asked her, she replied "Anything off Goo.", much to my elation. I can't get enough of that album. We rattled off a list of songs we'd love to hear off Goo, and just yammered on about near everything.
Oh yeah, and she's gorgeous.
But of course, as I aluded to, there was a catch. She lives in New Mexico. Bleh. She mentioned having gone to Emory and GA State, so I'm hoping she's currently enrolled in GA State, and is just back with her folks in between semesters.
When we parted ways, she told me to call her the next day, since we talked about possibly going to another show Tuesday night, as she was leaving again on Wednesday. Got her voice mail though, hrrrm. Going to give her a call again tonight. Here's hopin'.
As for the questions I recieved after my last entry, yes, I'm not renewing if the SG overlords don't start showing some of the girls that have been in limbo for ages some respect. It's rediculous.
You gotta put up with me for another three weeks though.
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