Ok, so lets try this again...
I was completely exhausted today at work, mainly due to yesterday when we had a container of product from one of our accounts come in. The paperwork said it was a live load, meaning we unloaded the trailer while the driver waited. So we're thinking this 350 piece drop is going to be on pallets and ready to move, so it will take like, 10 minutes with Justin, Devin, and myself working.
We open the dock door, and this fucker is slam packed with this office furniture, all stacked together. Had to bust that thing out by hand. Devin had to do bossman stuff, so it ended up taking Justin and I all damned day. 350 pieces, all weighing at least 55 pounds. Cripes I was dead after that.
Got a decent nights sleep though. First one in months.
But of course, as exhausted as I was today at work, once I get home, I'm all like WHEEEEEE YAYYAYAYAYA HYPER AS FUCK. Totally wired right now, so I'm probably going to have the insomnia thing going on tonight again. Lame.
Whoever said money can't buy happiness was a fucking douchebag. Last month, I was nearly to the point where homeless dudes were coming up to me giving me money, and saying "Shit man, here's a couple bucks, you look like you need it." This month, the bills are covered, the back bills are paid, and I have blown a ton of cash so far on yummy vegitarian food, live music, fun fun fun, kitcheny things, got a badass new phone too, and I still have plenty. I loves it. Much much better of a phone than that last nice new one I got. Thusly, I am less stressed out, and therefor, much much happier. I like you money, lets see more of each other.
I buy CD's in weird combinations.

That Camera Obscura is good shit.
In other news...
I got a very unexpected message over MySpace from a longtime friend today. Figure it's safe to repost here, because only one person that would see this knows the person in question.
I was completely exhausted today at work, mainly due to yesterday when we had a container of product from one of our accounts come in. The paperwork said it was a live load, meaning we unloaded the trailer while the driver waited. So we're thinking this 350 piece drop is going to be on pallets and ready to move, so it will take like, 10 minutes with Justin, Devin, and myself working.
We open the dock door, and this fucker is slam packed with this office furniture, all stacked together. Had to bust that thing out by hand. Devin had to do bossman stuff, so it ended up taking Justin and I all damned day. 350 pieces, all weighing at least 55 pounds. Cripes I was dead after that.
Got a decent nights sleep though. First one in months.
But of course, as exhausted as I was today at work, once I get home, I'm all like WHEEEEEE YAYYAYAYAYA HYPER AS FUCK. Totally wired right now, so I'm probably going to have the insomnia thing going on tonight again. Lame.
Whoever said money can't buy happiness was a fucking douchebag. Last month, I was nearly to the point where homeless dudes were coming up to me giving me money, and saying "Shit man, here's a couple bucks, you look like you need it." This month, the bills are covered, the back bills are paid, and I have blown a ton of cash so far on yummy vegitarian food, live music, fun fun fun, kitcheny things, got a badass new phone too, and I still have plenty. I loves it. Much much better of a phone than that last nice new one I got. Thusly, I am less stressed out, and therefor, much much happier. I like you money, lets see more of each other.
I buy CD's in weird combinations.

That Camera Obscura is good shit.
In other news...
I got a very unexpected message over MySpace from a longtime friend today. Figure it's safe to repost here, because only one person that would see this knows the person in question.
Subject: is it just me...
Body: ...or does it seem like we have some sort of unfinished business. Like, we should have already slept together (or at elast made out) about ten years ago? Not that I'm proposing doing so...I'd hate to make you break your ethical ways, but I was just wondering if I'm the only one who has that nagging thing in the back of my head.
So yeah, that was a little bit of a surprise to see today.
Sometime later this month...
Fuck yeah.
Good luck with the unfinished business too homey.
i don't come on very much, but oh.my.goodness i say your post in the limbo thread and it was very sweet and very nice and i say very thank you.