Totally fucking awesome.
It's totally awesome how someone can lie to your face nigh constantly, and think that you don't catch it every single time. It's even more awesome when that same person swipes your last 15 bucks that has to last you a week and a half off your bed when he swings by to pick up your roomates.
Dudes, really. It's totally sweet like a ninja.
As for what I mentioned last entry: Some of you might recall the nonsense that was going down around this time last year with that girl Deanna. I hadn't spoken to her at all in nearly a year after all that crap. Well, somehow or another, the notion got into my head to try to get in touch with her again. So I scoped out the obvious on Myspace (This humors me actually), and sho'nuff, there she was, so I sent her a message. I actually expected to be blown off, or ignored or whatever, and frankly, I didn't care either way. But she replied, all excited to hear from me, we exchanged numbers since we had lost each others, talked a couple times, and decided to chill.
There, is what I thought was going to be stupid. I assumed there would be drama and all that good shit. We didn't part ways on the greatest of terms before, and I was kinda nasty to her when she tried to prank call me later, apparently thinking "Durr, he no have caller ID", which I obviously did. As well, since she was reeling over this fucking jerkoff she dated for a while after me, and I was pretty mopey myself over recent bullshit, I kinda figured there would be rebound humpage, since she was feeling kinda lonely or whatever, and hey, she's hot, and ya know...I was pretty down too actually.
But, there was none of this. We actually had a decent talk, caught up on the past few months and just chilled, which was cool. I was actually quite reminded of why I liked her in the first place.
I ran into Kevin later who proceeded to bash her, hah. He has his reasons, and I can't hate on the guy. He is my hetero life mate.
If someone has avacado sammich recipes give them to me pleeeeeeease! I've wanted one for days now even though I have never had one before.

It's totally awesome how someone can lie to your face nigh constantly, and think that you don't catch it every single time. It's even more awesome when that same person swipes your last 15 bucks that has to last you a week and a half off your bed when he swings by to pick up your roomates.
Dudes, really. It's totally sweet like a ninja.
As for what I mentioned last entry: Some of you might recall the nonsense that was going down around this time last year with that girl Deanna. I hadn't spoken to her at all in nearly a year after all that crap. Well, somehow or another, the notion got into my head to try to get in touch with her again. So I scoped out the obvious on Myspace (This humors me actually), and sho'nuff, there she was, so I sent her a message. I actually expected to be blown off, or ignored or whatever, and frankly, I didn't care either way. But she replied, all excited to hear from me, we exchanged numbers since we had lost each others, talked a couple times, and decided to chill.
There, is what I thought was going to be stupid. I assumed there would be drama and all that good shit. We didn't part ways on the greatest of terms before, and I was kinda nasty to her when she tried to prank call me later, apparently thinking "Durr, he no have caller ID", which I obviously did. As well, since she was reeling over this fucking jerkoff she dated for a while after me, and I was pretty mopey myself over recent bullshit, I kinda figured there would be rebound humpage, since she was feeling kinda lonely or whatever, and hey, she's hot, and ya know...I was pretty down too actually.
But, there was none of this. We actually had a decent talk, caught up on the past few months and just chilled, which was cool. I was actually quite reminded of why I liked her in the first place.
I ran into Kevin later who proceeded to bash her, hah. He has his reasons, and I can't hate on the guy. He is my hetero life mate.
If someone has avacado sammich recipes give them to me pleeeeeeease! I've wanted one for days now even though I have never had one before.

Good luck with the girlie man. She sounds awesome enough.
As for hetero-life-mates... Mine stabbed me in the fucking back like a fucking moron this week. Asshole.
Oh well, whatever. Time to move on I suppose!
Glad he's gone.
Nice guys always win dude. Remember it.
Don't worry about girls, they like you more than they ever letchya know anyhow, so shit'll work itself out.
Take it easy!