Check in for new girl updates all day while we spew forth new girl sets like explosive diarrhea, leading up to the revealing of the 1000th SG Monday at 7:00 AM.
Brooklyn's set went up though, and that is cool.
I hate Sundays, everything closes early. I hate being broke on Sunday too.
Last night was good times. Awesome live music for free, being helped out by a bum so we didn't have to pay for parking, and then goofing off with other friends, and totally acting like a doofus with my friend Doug. It was a good day. A band called Telegram played after my friend, and they kicked copious amounts of ass.
I'm gonna go quit being lazy now.

Brooklyn's set went up though, and that is cool.
I hate Sundays, everything closes early. I hate being broke on Sunday too.
Last night was good times. Awesome live music for free, being helped out by a bum so we didn't have to pay for parking, and then goofing off with other friends, and totally acting like a doofus with my friend Doug. It was a good day. A band called Telegram played after my friend, and they kicked copious amounts of ass.
I'm gonna go quit being lazy now.

seriously she's about 3 ft nothing, lol. actually prolly about your height. give or take a half inch
a present?!