Man, I had a long post written out and SG ate it.
I had to take that phone back today, due to the fact that I am broke as all hell. But of course, I find out after the fact, that I won't get my money back for FOUR TO SIX FUCKING WEEKS. Eat me Verizon. First complaint I've had in 6 years, and it's enough to make me switch services. Had I paid with a credit card, I would understand a few days delay. But I paid with a check. Give me my $288.89 back, now.
So, if anyone is interested, my comics are for sale. Whatever you want.
I've got good stuff, but I would prefer things to go as sets, so no breaking up storylines.
Because of course, my W-2's still haven't shown up from that construction job. I do believe this finalizes starting that job as being the absolute worst decision I made in 2005.
Fuck I am bitter today.
And depressed. what else is new?
Edity: I most wonderously found out tonight that my "friend", Will, has recently stabbed me square in the back, all the while acting all buddy buddy.
So if you guys don't hear from me for a while, I'm locked up, on counts of letting a motherfucker know I'm someone you don't fuck with. He may be more fit than I am, but bottled up unbridled hate has got hella mojo.

I had to take that phone back today, due to the fact that I am broke as all hell. But of course, I find out after the fact, that I won't get my money back for FOUR TO SIX FUCKING WEEKS. Eat me Verizon. First complaint I've had in 6 years, and it's enough to make me switch services. Had I paid with a credit card, I would understand a few days delay. But I paid with a check. Give me my $288.89 back, now.
So, if anyone is interested, my comics are for sale. Whatever you want.

Because of course, my W-2's still haven't shown up from that construction job. I do believe this finalizes starting that job as being the absolute worst decision I made in 2005.
Fuck I am bitter today.
And depressed. what else is new?

Edity: I most wonderously found out tonight that my "friend", Will, has recently stabbed me square in the back, all the while acting all buddy buddy.
So if you guys don't hear from me for a while, I'm locked up, on counts of letting a motherfucker know I'm someone you don't fuck with. He may be more fit than I am, but bottled up unbridled hate has got hella mojo.

She's probably gonna overreact (she IS female afterall). But life goes on...