New profile pic! Whee! Aoede took it while we were out for her b-day sunday night. What a great accidental shot she snagged while we were fooling around with my cam.
So few passions in my life right now, but the ones that are there overwhelm me at times. First, my baby, second is food (but only barely), and third is sleep. I s'pose I can throw in video games, but I'm not gonna cuz I can go a few days without games. I can't with any of the other three.
First of the month is coming right quick. Ugh bills.
So few passions in my life right now, but the ones that are there overwhelm me at times. First, my baby, second is food (but only barely), and third is sleep. I s'pose I can throw in video games, but I'm not gonna cuz I can go a few days without games. I can't with any of the other three.
First of the month is coming right quick. Ugh bills.
psst! tell Aoede to work for me at Indigo, she'll be able to get you cheap D$D Stuff.
thanks and shut the hell up you young whipper snapper.