Heh. Yet one more person back from SGCalgary's weekend antics.
Highlights for me:
- Meeting rue_, heinleindourden and his invite on the street outside hifi and watching the RCMP haul down some substance-smoking runaway. classy.
- crazy dancing by Lotus at hifi...oh yeah, we mere members tried our hand at shaking our rumps...not as sexily, I'm afraid.
- being led 4 blocks by char1es on his motorscooter from the grocery store to his loft...tres amusant
- honing my poker skills by the tutelage of heinleindourden and his invite...then using said skills to get coriander nekkid during strip poker...awesome
- finding out that misguided gave my lovely ladyfriend an early birthday gift in a 3 month membership...go say hi to Aoede. that's her
- chillaxin at the ship, post-party (once again
And now back to our regular programming
Highlights for me:
- Meeting rue_, heinleindourden and his invite on the street outside hifi and watching the RCMP haul down some substance-smoking runaway. classy.
- crazy dancing by Lotus at hifi...oh yeah, we mere members tried our hand at shaking our rumps...not as sexily, I'm afraid.
- being led 4 blocks by char1es on his motorscooter from the grocery store to his loft...tres amusant
- honing my poker skills by the tutelage of heinleindourden and his invite...then using said skills to get coriander nekkid during strip poker...awesome

- finding out that misguided gave my lovely ladyfriend an early birthday gift in a 3 month membership...go say hi to Aoede. that's her

- chillaxin at the ship, post-party (once again

And now back to our regular programming

Email me your number.