Heh. The irony.
The girl was moving out of her apartment this weekend, and was supposed to call me on sunday night to give me her new number. No call sunday night...no call all day monday....
this morning, she calls and says "So, I guess we aren't talking anymore. So unless you've got a good explanation, don't bother calling me at my new place." - FROM HER OLD APARTMENT! She knows I have caller id on my cell, and I could very easily make the return as long as I new where to call.
Bah. Serves me right for pursuing a casual relationship with someone who had the emotional maturity of a teenager. On coke.
*shrug* Knew it wasn't gonna last, just didn't figger it'd come to a halt this quick.
Moved myself out of the cramped-like-a-bitch bedroom on the main floor and into the just-about-finished-renovating room in the basement. 4 feet x 8" of flooring still needs to be put in, the moulding still needs to be put back in place, and had I really cared, the room needs to be repainted...but I doubt it'd get done even if I wasn't down here by the time I move out in a month and a bit anyway, so fuck it. Its about damn time I get a comfortable place to sleep.
I've been very lax about replying to you wonderful people in your journals lately....I sorta feel outta touch with people except for my feeling of being an observer...I've lost my ability to express empathy or understanding in writing it feels like...I just have this urge to remain on the outside and watch things unfold right now and not to participate. Don't know where it came from, and I don't think its gonna go away anytime soon
The girl was moving out of her apartment this weekend, and was supposed to call me on sunday night to give me her new number. No call sunday night...no call all day monday....
this morning, she calls and says "So, I guess we aren't talking anymore. So unless you've got a good explanation, don't bother calling me at my new place." - FROM HER OLD APARTMENT! She knows I have caller id on my cell, and I could very easily make the return as long as I new where to call.
Bah. Serves me right for pursuing a casual relationship with someone who had the emotional maturity of a teenager. On coke.
*shrug* Knew it wasn't gonna last, just didn't figger it'd come to a halt this quick.
Moved myself out of the cramped-like-a-bitch bedroom on the main floor and into the just-about-finished-renovating room in the basement. 4 feet x 8" of flooring still needs to be put in, the moulding still needs to be put back in place, and had I really cared, the room needs to be repainted...but I doubt it'd get done even if I wasn't down here by the time I move out in a month and a bit anyway, so fuck it. Its about damn time I get a comfortable place to sleep.
I've been very lax about replying to you wonderful people in your journals lately....I sorta feel outta touch with people except for my feeling of being an observer...I've lost my ability to express empathy or understanding in writing it feels like...I just have this urge to remain on the outside and watch things unfold right now and not to participate. Don't know where it came from, and I don't think its gonna go away anytime soon

TygerTyger's picture a few posts above is class though.