Looks like a crazy party's in the works tonight...misguided's best friend from forever ago till now is off to Saskatoon to start his pre-med. This, mind you is after he got in a motorcycle accident while coming home from work...flying airplanes
. He then goes on (after a miraculous recovery from a coma) to working as a physical trainer for the summer. So yeah...pilot, motorcycle thrasher, physical trainer, and now doctor - is there anything this guy can't do?!?!
Not only that, but this guy is super-friendly, and makes all the panties of the girls I know damp because of his hotness...
i'm freakin jealous, but i guess there's not too many other guys that deserve the good stuff in his life than him.
So, tonight, many libations shall be raised to this near god-like specimen of masculinity and pimp-ness
Ciao all...catch up with all of ya in the hung-over morning

Not only that, but this guy is super-friendly, and makes all the panties of the girls I know damp because of his hotness...

So, tonight, many libations shall be raised to this near god-like specimen of masculinity and pimp-ness

Ciao all...catch up with all of ya in the hung-over morning

i seriously didn't know who he was before Kill Bill. I heard he played a japanese guy though in something. Which i find a bit weird. Was a shame though...he never showed up. those damn celebrities and their non-showing up-ness!
I had a nice little dream about you last night...