hey lovelies:) sorry I haven't posted. I went to California for my birthday, which was amazing and I will definitely write a blog about it soon <3 today I'll be taking about our blog homework from @lyxzen @rambo & @missy
What is something you wished you learned sooner?
I learn things everyday that I didn't know the day before and I think learning is so very much important, whether it's something small or something huge! there's of course a few things I wished I learned when I was younger, but the one thing I wish I learned the most is the beauty of traveling. if I knew everything I knew now about traveling I would've started saving money when I was younger. Saving money could be hard for everyone, but I think being able to see the world is such an amazing experience and you should take that vacation your job gives you and go somewhere you've always wanted. Saving even 50 dollars of each paycheck can get you far.