so i guess being a girl sometimes DOES pay off...
lastnight when i was driving my tire blew out.. so today i had to drive to walmart with a spare on it to get a new tire.. i really needed to get 2 new front tires but i couldnt afford it because they were saying the cheapest tire i could get was $47 and then like an additional $10 to put it on or some shit... so i was just going to get one tire and get my other front tire replaced on my next pay check...... the guy that was putting on the tire for me came out and said that my other tire is going to pop any day and there's no way to fix it but to replace it right away... my mom told him i couldn't afford to replace it today so he was like "well how about i do it for her and ill only charge her $15 for that one, just don't tell anyone" so were like cool i could afford an extra 15 bucks.. then the guy comes out when he is done and handed me the paper to pay... and he ended up only charging me TWO DOLLARS AND 25 CENTS for TWO brand new tires!!!! and that was including putting them on and everything!! i was so fucking happy! i got two fucking brand new tires for my car for under 3 bucks. helllllll yeah! beat that boys!! and now my car doesn't shake beyond belief when i drive it. before if i would go over 50 mph it would shake so bad i could barely control the damn steering wheel. hahaha
Dior ~
lastnight when i was driving my tire blew out.. so today i had to drive to walmart with a spare on it to get a new tire.. i really needed to get 2 new front tires but i couldnt afford it because they were saying the cheapest tire i could get was $47 and then like an additional $10 to put it on or some shit... so i was just going to get one tire and get my other front tire replaced on my next pay check...... the guy that was putting on the tire for me came out and said that my other tire is going to pop any day and there's no way to fix it but to replace it right away... my mom told him i couldn't afford to replace it today so he was like "well how about i do it for her and ill only charge her $15 for that one, just don't tell anyone" so were like cool i could afford an extra 15 bucks.. then the guy comes out when he is done and handed me the paper to pay... and he ended up only charging me TWO DOLLARS AND 25 CENTS for TWO brand new tires!!!! and that was including putting them on and everything!! i was so fucking happy! i got two fucking brand new tires for my car for under 3 bucks. helllllll yeah! beat that boys!! and now my car doesn't shake beyond belief when i drive it. before if i would go over 50 mph it would shake so bad i could barely control the damn steering wheel. hahaha
Dior ~

Love your first set! I wish I was a girl.....or, wait....nevermind. Seriously though, congrats!
In my experience, NOTHING will remove those stains. Animal urine stains are the herpes of the material discoloration universe. You just have to live your life around them, pretending that they don't exist. Kind of like having a semi-senile grandparent staying in your guest room. Sure, they have the occasional loud fit of profanity, and they keep knocking over the same desk lamp time and time again, but if you don't acknowledge their existance, they can't really bother you.....