Dear readers,
It has been some time since I have typed out a good rant. One my favorites actually earned me an A on a philosophy paper. I may have a hidden talent here. Or maybe not hell some may see this as meaningles stream of conciouse bullshit and not give a fuck one way or the other. My response to those people? FUCK OFF. I care by God/Allah/Jaweh/Buddha/Dionysious/etc It makes me feel fucking better. Now that's out of the way, WHY IN THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO SIT THROUGH 2 HOURS OF COMERCIAL ahem MOVIE AND BE SOLD SOMETHING EVERY SCENE? Jesus motherfucking christ..I mean really some product place ment in a movie is to be expected. But in the new Transformers movie they try to sell me something every goddamn scene..that is fucking ridiculous. sure it was a "pretty" movie with lots of special effects that does not qualify it as a "good movie" that's like saying a hot ass woman with huge tits will automaticaly be good in bed, by the average american ideal of beauty, substitue physical ideal where needed, which we all know IS NOT FUCKING TRUE!!...that movie had some of the worst dialoge I have ever seen in a film with more prodectplace and propagand than your average army recruitment video.
Speaking of propagand have we as a country lost our fucking minds? Sadly no we haven't. We do the same shit to other countries and see the same scandles rock the white house few fucking years. newsflash folks CORRUPTION IN POLITCS AINT NEW!!! Democrats are crroupt, republicans are corroupt everyone in politics are fucking corrupt. That being said it's how the game is played. those are the rules. we didn't make em but we have to fucking live with them.
While on politics...get your religion out of my white house you sanctimonious fuckers. This country was founded by rich white men who didn't want to pay taxes. not god fearing men creating a land of the free... i strongly suspect that whole land of the free thing was just lucked into and a convient excuse, or better yet means to pull the wool over the eyes of the new citizens of the new nation. and if you think for one moment that we are really living a totally free country wake the fuck up please. or not your choice. true we are "more free" than others...from what i see on the propaganda channles...errr news stations, but jesus christ we have a long way to go.
on to my next point women and relation ships in general. Why is that about the time I think things are going great in a realionship it just fucking diseappears? I mean really...I dated one girl and saw more of her, literaly, when she was working 2 jobs, then whe she cut back to one. I mean what the fuck..why can't a person just fucking say.."Hey you were fun for a while, but this just isn't working out for me" and we move our seperate ways..please do not feed me bullshit about how you are so busy you can only see me once a month...I learned the hard way that if a woman wants to see you she will make the fucking time to see you. And this goes in all areas of relationships, male or female. The moment you hear "i would love to see you but.." wrap it up and hit the road...that game is done and over.
While ranting on these assorted topics you, dear reader, will most likely notice many horrible spelling errors. Fuck off you know what I mean. You are inttelegent human being and can interpret my ramblings,
As far as women go, hell I may be just too damn paranoid and clingly and get in my own fucking way. She doesn't call or repsond to my text and the next thing I know I am thinking all of our plans have been cancelled and I am on the outs...hell I may be right, or it can be a self fuffling prophesy. In other words if get so fucking paranoid and worked up over some trivial bullshit that I blow out of proportion and ultimately driving said love interest away. who the fuck knows. Maybe because of philosophy I fucking over analyse everything I see, hear, feel, do, crap, whatever. or I could just quit fucking whining and deal with it...what ever fuck it, it is my rant and I can rant on whatever I damn well please.
Hell I would be damned supprised if anyone who bothered reading this made it this far at all. If you have message me for my address. You can come see me and I will give you a cookie.
I know I am not the first man, nor the last, to fucked over/confused by/and or smitten by women that are horrible for me. But jesus h christ this fucking ridiculous. Hell maybe I am just getting in my own way and not relaxing enough to let shit happen as it will happen.. but man when I care for some one I don't fucking dick around...I really care...and maybe..just maybe..I care too much and try to hold too tightly..I don't fucking know...or fuck, maybe they should light the fuck and realise that I am actualy interested in their wellbeing and not trying to fuck them over like all the other assholes in their lives. Fuck, fuck fuck...ahem...or maybe they should loosen up and have fun and accept my gawkish attempts at emotional bonding as what they are.. fuck I know that everyone is fucked up in the head somewhat...there is no such thing as "normal" but jesus..I had 1 count them 1 girlfriend that lasted more than a year. aside from her there have been a dew fuckbuddies, a few one night stands...and most of those were mistakes...i still have nightmares. ask me and I will tyell you about mexico, I have dated a few girls but nothing serious, and actually called one gilr last year my "girlfriend" that lasted all of two months..this the one that had two jobs, etc.. now currently I met a very awesome girl online who I am planning to go see in early august, we talk almost every day on the phone now. But, damn my paranoia kicks in and it started when it seemed she was getting distant from me...conversation changed over the phone...doesn't seem like she calls me as often...did I metion this happened over fucking night? so yeah..I think I have cause to concerned... I am in a catch-22 here. I worry, but I belive in communication so I want to talk about it...but this means that I may talk TOO much about and come across as some insicure cling psycho unable to have a normal relationship...hmmm there may be some truth in that fuck...or I could just say fuck it..not worry about and don't lose any sleep over weather or not she even cares or not...hmm but for fucks sake...should I just throw away 3 or 4 months of steady converstion and genuince care of over half a week's worth of her "being distant" who the fuck knows. all I know is the older I get the more I see that all those love songs and movies the people love are fucking bullshit and do nothing more than confuse people as to what actual love and caring are. The same goes for any "advice" magazine out's and women's. who the fuck knows. and if this is read by the above girl..Hi...atleast know I am thinking of some weird fashion.
the names have been ommited to protect me.
well I hope you have enjoyed the rant. feel free to leave comments or not as your please.
good night and good luck.
It has been some time since I have typed out a good rant. One my favorites actually earned me an A on a philosophy paper. I may have a hidden talent here. Or maybe not hell some may see this as meaningles stream of conciouse bullshit and not give a fuck one way or the other. My response to those people? FUCK OFF. I care by God/Allah/Jaweh/Buddha/Dionysious/etc It makes me feel fucking better. Now that's out of the way, WHY IN THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO SIT THROUGH 2 HOURS OF COMERCIAL ahem MOVIE AND BE SOLD SOMETHING EVERY SCENE? Jesus motherfucking christ..I mean really some product place ment in a movie is to be expected. But in the new Transformers movie they try to sell me something every goddamn scene..that is fucking ridiculous. sure it was a "pretty" movie with lots of special effects that does not qualify it as a "good movie" that's like saying a hot ass woman with huge tits will automaticaly be good in bed, by the average american ideal of beauty, substitue physical ideal where needed, which we all know IS NOT FUCKING TRUE!!...that movie had some of the worst dialoge I have ever seen in a film with more prodectplace and propagand than your average army recruitment video.
Speaking of propagand have we as a country lost our fucking minds? Sadly no we haven't. We do the same shit to other countries and see the same scandles rock the white house few fucking years. newsflash folks CORRUPTION IN POLITCS AINT NEW!!! Democrats are crroupt, republicans are corroupt everyone in politics are fucking corrupt. That being said it's how the game is played. those are the rules. we didn't make em but we have to fucking live with them.
While on politics...get your religion out of my white house you sanctimonious fuckers. This country was founded by rich white men who didn't want to pay taxes. not god fearing men creating a land of the free... i strongly suspect that whole land of the free thing was just lucked into and a convient excuse, or better yet means to pull the wool over the eyes of the new citizens of the new nation. and if you think for one moment that we are really living a totally free country wake the fuck up please. or not your choice. true we are "more free" than others...from what i see on the propaganda channles...errr news stations, but jesus christ we have a long way to go.
on to my next point women and relation ships in general. Why is that about the time I think things are going great in a realionship it just fucking diseappears? I mean really...I dated one girl and saw more of her, literaly, when she was working 2 jobs, then whe she cut back to one. I mean what the fuck..why can't a person just fucking say.."Hey you were fun for a while, but this just isn't working out for me" and we move our seperate ways..please do not feed me bullshit about how you are so busy you can only see me once a month...I learned the hard way that if a woman wants to see you she will make the fucking time to see you. And this goes in all areas of relationships, male or female. The moment you hear "i would love to see you but.." wrap it up and hit the road...that game is done and over.
While ranting on these assorted topics you, dear reader, will most likely notice many horrible spelling errors. Fuck off you know what I mean. You are inttelegent human being and can interpret my ramblings,
As far as women go, hell I may be just too damn paranoid and clingly and get in my own fucking way. She doesn't call or repsond to my text and the next thing I know I am thinking all of our plans have been cancelled and I am on the outs...hell I may be right, or it can be a self fuffling prophesy. In other words if get so fucking paranoid and worked up over some trivial bullshit that I blow out of proportion and ultimately driving said love interest away. who the fuck knows. Maybe because of philosophy I fucking over analyse everything I see, hear, feel, do, crap, whatever. or I could just quit fucking whining and deal with it...what ever fuck it, it is my rant and I can rant on whatever I damn well please.
Hell I would be damned supprised if anyone who bothered reading this made it this far at all. If you have message me for my address. You can come see me and I will give you a cookie.
I know I am not the first man, nor the last, to fucked over/confused by/and or smitten by women that are horrible for me. But jesus h christ this fucking ridiculous. Hell maybe I am just getting in my own way and not relaxing enough to let shit happen as it will happen.. but man when I care for some one I don't fucking dick around...I really care...and maybe..just maybe..I care too much and try to hold too tightly..I don't fucking know...or fuck, maybe they should light the fuck and realise that I am actualy interested in their wellbeing and not trying to fuck them over like all the other assholes in their lives. Fuck, fuck fuck...ahem...or maybe they should loosen up and have fun and accept my gawkish attempts at emotional bonding as what they are.. fuck I know that everyone is fucked up in the head somewhat...there is no such thing as "normal" but jesus..I had 1 count them 1 girlfriend that lasted more than a year. aside from her there have been a dew fuckbuddies, a few one night stands...and most of those were mistakes...i still have nightmares. ask me and I will tyell you about mexico, I have dated a few girls but nothing serious, and actually called one gilr last year my "girlfriend" that lasted all of two months..this the one that had two jobs, etc.. now currently I met a very awesome girl online who I am planning to go see in early august, we talk almost every day on the phone now. But, damn my paranoia kicks in and it started when it seemed she was getting distant from me...conversation changed over the phone...doesn't seem like she calls me as often...did I metion this happened over fucking night? so yeah..I think I have cause to concerned... I am in a catch-22 here. I worry, but I belive in communication so I want to talk about it...but this means that I may talk TOO much about and come across as some insicure cling psycho unable to have a normal relationship...hmmm there may be some truth in that fuck...or I could just say fuck it..not worry about and don't lose any sleep over weather or not she even cares or not...hmm but for fucks sake...should I just throw away 3 or 4 months of steady converstion and genuince care of over half a week's worth of her "being distant" who the fuck knows. all I know is the older I get the more I see that all those love songs and movies the people love are fucking bullshit and do nothing more than confuse people as to what actual love and caring are. The same goes for any "advice" magazine out's and women's. who the fuck knows. and if this is read by the above girl..Hi...atleast know I am thinking of some weird fashion.
the names have been ommited to protect me.
well I hope you have enjoyed the rant. feel free to leave comments or not as your please.
good night and good luck.
Im sure you'll see me in there again now. =)