The H is O. (Am I the only person to see that delightfully absurd SNL sketch? It was one of their short films, and 3 or so guys were hanging out at this bar, making bets on... I could probably find it on YouTube, huh?)

But what I'm saying is, it's fackin' Hoooooooooooottttttt. As in, we couldn't sleep in the bedroom it was so hot...
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I miss this SNL era badly.

It's too hot lately. At least now it's the same outside as it is inside, so i feel more like a complete moron opening the windows.

You could appriciate this, though: yesterday, in between heat related badness, i heard this clanging noise outside. This was followed by kids screaming. Hollow metal clang, kids screaming. Goes on for twenty minutes, then i hear a LOUD one, followed by the kids, followed by a guy going "Shit!" I finally look out the window to see about ten kids sitting in the grass while a fat, sweaty guy in a wifebeater is hitting a fire hydrant with an aluminum bat, presumably trying to get it to spray. This immediately made me feel a little better about the heat.
On the one hand, Superfood is kinda gross, because it is a pukey-green color (incidentally, my favorite shade of green). On the other, it tastes like thickish apple juice, which is not bad at all! One of my old coworkers told me it smelled like Jamba Juice. Not any smoothie in particular, just that generic, apples/bananas/wheatgrassy smell that assaults the nostrils upon entering Jamba Juice....
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Mango tango feels like velvet in my mouth.
I had a job one time where there was 2 hours during the day, right AFTER my lunch, where i had NOTHING to do, but i had to be in my office just in case. you can only re-organize your desk so many times ya know?

glad the issues are getting better. hope they clear up soon!
Fuck. Imaginary boyfriend does it again. I'm flaking, which I hate to do to anyone, but I'm in no state to go out right now.

I am hungry, but I don't feel like eating Cheerios. Or pepper jack cheese. Which is literally all we have that's "ready to eat." I'm not feelin' prep time.
Its cool. I got there late anyways. smile The movie was sooooo good, funny at times but a real eye opener.
I know the real reason you didn't go was because you like my hat. wink Meh, its all good. If you got trouble on the homefront then its best to take care of it before things get worse. smile Hope everything is doing good.
It's odd how imaginary boyfriends always get in the way. Maybe if you combine Cheerios and pepper jack cheese it will work? hehe
I had a very hard time getting to sleep last night. Relationship issues got me bumming a bit, but it's primarily paranoia. I hate when relationship paranoia rears it's oogly head, because I let myself get caught up in it, then I flip the fuck out, and annoy the crap out of the boyfriend, who seems to take it in stride, if not take mild...
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As of tomorrow, two friends. It'll be rough.

Hey are you doing anything on the fourth, by chance? I need something to do.
Better to be less than bitchin' than...well, unbitchin', i guess.
Last night was fuuuun. Had a great time with the lovely SG Sac folks that came on out. Shame we were so damned tired. I fell asleep in the theater, and someone woke me up at intermission. I feel both old and lame.

There was a guy dressed as QuailMan, though! That made my evening!

It's hot in here, and I am going to crash...
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I'm going to, really. It's just not proving as easy i thought it would be. but i am. Seriously smile

It actually wasn't that bad. Never knew Ryan Gosling was a member of the Club. So that's something.

But, dude...Charm School. I find it strangely entertaining. Like, i'm still awake watching it. Yikes.
It was seriously rad meeting you. Come out to events, we love kickin it with you!
It's hot. It's Friday. Usually we go to Benny's Friday nights, but I don't know that I feel up to it tonight. I just kinda want to crash on the couch in underpants. Maybe I'll go get some beer and just sweat it out here tonight. I'm feeling too broke or too cheap to go to a bar. And I don't feel up to being...
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Wow, you sound about as motivated as I feel! I knew there was a good reason I requested your friendship wink Hope you have fun anyway lol.
I have a huge red welt from getting spanked at TFO......

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

..and I like it!!! tongue

Lets hang out again! You're fuckin rad. smile

Saturday turned out to be quite productive (well, in an utterly counterproductive way).

I FINALLY acquired a Wii! I can't stop playing. I'll probably play while I'm home on lunch tomorrow, and as soon as I get home from work, as well. I don't think I'll be able to have a social life until I finish Twilight Princess. (OHHELLYEAH)

I love to WiiBox. I love...
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What games do you have for it?

And oh yea, you're a dork.
Haha! I just got my own wii last sunday AS WELL! biggrin! I bought paper mario. It's fancy!
Got drunk as shit last night at Benny's, and am now paying for it. tongue

Was thinking about heading out to the post-rafting bbq, but I am in no condition. I'm going to crash out on the couch until I get hungry, then head out to Carl's Jr to get that Teriyaki Burger thing. Nothing says hangover food like Carl's Jr.

Might head on over to...
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Chocolate ice cream for lunch, WOO!

I woke up at 8:05 this morning. (I start work at 8, m-f) I was at my desk, compooter ready at 8:20. I love living thatclose to work. biggrin But I'm taking a short lunch to make up for my alarm-retardity.

Going out for drinks tonight. Should be quite the time, if it was anything like a few Fridays ago....
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I've been having a good cry this afternoon thanks to "Hotel Rwanda." So good, so heartbreaking!

Thank heavens the other thing we got from Netflix was Monty Python's Flying Circus. biggrin I think the flowers from the title sequence might have to be my first tattoo. If I can get a good picture of them, that is. I'll have to slum around the Intar-wubs for a...
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