Had a lovely evening with my friend. It was great catching up, and I hope we can keep it up.

Work was pretty awful. Probably more of the same tomorrow. Labeling Search Warrant files. Sounds a bit exciting, but really monotonous.

I'm too tired to be remotely verbose. I drove my Ghia today! Bryan's working on my baby. Daily driver soon? Carb needs replacing, ditto...
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You have friends?

Just got back from seeing Les Mis at Music Circus. Enjoyable! Not crazy about the religious overtones, but that's to be expected, coming from me. Entertainment value- good. Next week, NUNSENSE! Yeah, clearly, I'm NOT the one paying for these tickets. Pops is treating. We're also in for Kiss Me Kate, which I think I'm more excited about. But I don't know why. I haven't...
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I wanted to see Les Mis, but my partner in crime won't ever go. (my mom) I am going to see kiss me kate, that should be really rad. Love the new hair cute btw.
And the lord said "let there be light," and it was good.

I like the new profile picture, and the haircut.
32 and a half minutes to cancel DSL and phone service. Don't be concerned- just going to cable.

Seriously. I was on hold for at least half of that time. Bet it wouldn't have taken so damned long if they didn't know I was calling to cancel. Fuckholes.
thats totally fucking lame.
Whose that lady in the dark?

Shes scaring me.
Went to reggae night at Cap Gay-rodge with Paul. I have a headache now. I don't think the "club" atmosphere agrees with me. The thumpin' beats are bitchin', yes, but it makes my organs vibrate- in a weird, uncomfortable, non-sexy way.

Got a haircut today! Love it. I even sort of wish I went a bit shorter. Next time. This is a look I think...
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I have a headache too now, however my headache probably was caused by too much beer, and my ears are ringing off the hook. frown No more reg-Gay for me for a while.
dude my hair does that too! I can flat iron the hell out of it, yet it will still manage to all flip all weird. Hair should listen to what it's being told to do.
Bleh. I had to take a 4 hour Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Workplace Prevention course this morning. I hate classes when people take it upon themselves to argue about stupid shit that is pretty much off point. I want to shake them, and say, "Hey, stupid fucker! You're a moron. Please cut that shit out. I am irritated." I'm never able to convey...
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Cool, you wanna hang out? Give me a call tomorrow, if you're interested. smile
yes, pweeez. smile
Movie good. Me tired. Had the boringest training EVER this morning, ended up doodling. I think the instructor could tell, and was givin' me the ole' stink eye. Like I gives a shit.

I broke down and bought Wario Ware. It's too absurdly awesome! Folks should come over and play with me! Just not tonight. Eheh. SO TIRED. Sleeping when I get off work. For...
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dude if i had seen it last night there's no way i could have gone to work today. I woulda died.
Midnight Harry Potter showing Downtown WOO!

Can't wait til I get off work (haven't even left for it yet). I will be napping at least until IB gets off work. So excited!
I love "Flight of the Conchords." Another weekend day doin' fuck all. I should clean house, but normally that's a PMS-fueled thing for me to do. I should at least put the laundry away. Keep myself hydrated. Put this day off to decent use.

Never started the teddy bear yesterday. Haven't even re-looked-up the pattern. It's painfully easy. It's a "Teddy" pattern someone whipped up....
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Totally watched it online about a month ago. I found to be far better than the other one. I LOVE Blackadder. I actually got a the book of scripts for Christmas a couple years back. The DVDs are on my list as well. I have the VHS box set somewhere, have to dig it out.
Speaking of Bean, there's a new Bean moving coming out. I saw the trailer before Ratatoulle... Mr. Bean goes on vacation to france or something...

ok. random comment over now. smile
Another ANTM marathon. biggrin I wish I had snacks.

I think I'll start another teddy bear. Wearable knits haven't turned out well for me as of yet.

Tonight? Well... We'll see. I'm probably going to fall asleep at Trash again. If there's beer involved, you can bet on it.
i would have called everyone I know to invite them over for antm and oh yes bring snackies!
<3 to antm love that show
Yanno, it's like magic. He comes back from doing laundry, says, "I don't want to take a break, I know what I want." He apologizes for acting like a douche, and things are getting better. I think we'll end up getting separate places once our lease is up here. Which is fine. We moved in together way too fast. In fact, most of our relationship...
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Ugh, relationships aint they fun. I've been there, on both sides. You care so much about the person but sometimes it's so overwhelming anyways if ya need an ear or fun girl time we should do something! I'm glad things worked on the up though smile Nobody likes a bad friday!