Fucking junk food. Gorged on it yesterday, this morning I feel like absolute shit. Considered calling in, but don't want to use sick time just yet. Not to mention I can leave early from work if my condition does not improve. Fuuuuck.
More Blogs
Saturday Aug 04, 2007
Trash Till Dawn tonight. MAAAAAN. -
Friday Aug 03, 2007
I slept 12 hours last night. I'm tiiiired. I would like to go out ton… -
Saturday Jul 28, 2007
Piranha tonight at Trash. I'm pretty psyched, and hell, I may even dr… -
Friday Jul 27, 2007
I thought I just felt an earthquake or some sort of tremor. But I thi… -
Tuesday Jul 24, 2007
Have spent evening at Music Circus Romp II- NUNSENSE. There were a… -
Monday Jul 23, 2007
I rearranged the furniture. The boyfriend is going to flip probably. … -
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
FINISHED! Picked it up, got it home at 4:30ish, I think. Finished jus… -
Saturday Jul 21, 2007
Because of lack of enthusiasm last time I mentioned Trash in SGSac, I… -
Friday Jul 20, 2007
18ish hours later- real food is still not sitting well. Took a nice h… -
Friday Jul 20, 2007
Fucking junk food. Gorged on it yesterday, this morning I feel like a…
Hey if you have AIM, hit me up. I'm suffering through "Rock of Love." Distraction is needed.