Got drunk as shit last night at Benny's, and am now paying for it.
Was thinking about heading out to the post-rafting bbq, but I am in no condition. I'm going to crash out on the couch until I get hungry, then head out to Carl's Jr to get that Teriyaki Burger thing. Nothing says hangover food like Carl's Jr.
Might head on over to Target and pick up some games. I'm boooored. Maybe I'll try finishing Lego Star Wars II, or try and get better at Halo, in anticipation for Halo 3.
After Best Week Ever. Yeeeeah.

Was thinking about heading out to the post-rafting bbq, but I am in no condition. I'm going to crash out on the couch until I get hungry, then head out to Carl's Jr to get that Teriyaki Burger thing. Nothing says hangover food like Carl's Jr.
Might head on over to Target and pick up some games. I'm boooored. Maybe I'll try finishing Lego Star Wars II, or try and get better at Halo, in anticipation for Halo 3.
After Best Week Ever. Yeeeeah.