I feel like CRAAAAP. The weekend caught up with me, and I'm lethargic, and foul things are afoot in my intestinal region. Not cool, man.
On the bright side, I have enough stuff to do at work that should keep me busy for the rest of the day, if not into tomorrow. And I'll probably only get busier. I'm afraid I might get overwhelmed, but I'll just have to take it one calendar at a time, and not freak out about all the paperwork that's building up. It is OK! My most recent stuff isn't due in court til Friday. So it's not a huge deal. I just can't get too ahead of myself. If I start freaking out about stuff that's not calendared until July, I'm going to probably fuck up all the calendars prior. Chill, self, chill.
Was irritated at boyfriend last night. Calls me up at 10:30, "Hey, my phone's dead, can you call (his buddy) and tell him to call (another buddy)? I'm at Cantina. You're coming too, right?" Something to that effect. I was hungover, unshowered, in pajamas, and half asleep. But I dragged my ass out there, because I love the retard, and because I do kinda owe him. He always picks me up if it's humanly possible. And he gave me flowers on Friday.
I've never been given flowers! He never ceases to surprise me.
We had a good talk about "Pepper Ann" last night. Man, I loved that show. (Shocking, right? Nerdy redhead preteen loves show about nerdy redhead preteen? UNHEARD OF!)
I just want to get off work tonight and take a nap, but the guys are going off roading, and I really don't want to miss that.
I had the worst iced chai on my break. BARF. It was made with the powder crap. Nah, man- liquid concentrate. That's the way to go. Fuck Big Train. Shitty, crappy, grainy chai.
At least now I know not to go to that cafe for chai. The coffee's drinkable, and it's right across the street from work, but I won't get anything else. I'll have to hike my ass to Temple, 'cause this bitch don't do the 'bucks. Nuh-UH!
On the bright side, I have enough stuff to do at work that should keep me busy for the rest of the day, if not into tomorrow. And I'll probably only get busier. I'm afraid I might get overwhelmed, but I'll just have to take it one calendar at a time, and not freak out about all the paperwork that's building up. It is OK! My most recent stuff isn't due in court til Friday. So it's not a huge deal. I just can't get too ahead of myself. If I start freaking out about stuff that's not calendared until July, I'm going to probably fuck up all the calendars prior. Chill, self, chill.
Was irritated at boyfriend last night. Calls me up at 10:30, "Hey, my phone's dead, can you call (his buddy) and tell him to call (another buddy)? I'm at Cantina. You're coming too, right?" Something to that effect. I was hungover, unshowered, in pajamas, and half asleep. But I dragged my ass out there, because I love the retard, and because I do kinda owe him. He always picks me up if it's humanly possible. And he gave me flowers on Friday.

We had a good talk about "Pepper Ann" last night. Man, I loved that show. (Shocking, right? Nerdy redhead preteen loves show about nerdy redhead preteen? UNHEARD OF!)
I just want to get off work tonight and take a nap, but the guys are going off roading, and I really don't want to miss that.
I had the worst iced chai on my break. BARF. It was made with the powder crap. Nah, man- liquid concentrate. That's the way to go. Fuck Big Train. Shitty, crappy, grainy chai.

For intestinal issues I highly recommend Bumble Bars, they sell them at the Co-op.