Second day of work not going so well as the first. Came home for lunch. Cried to Bryan. Bitch at the desk in front of mine won't let me do anything. She won't even let me file. I actually CAN file. Overheard her talking about me to another coworker. Fucking cunts.
I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of shit. My delicate sensibilities may not allow for such callousness.
How am I supposed to learn anything if I can't be given a shot, right? The only way I learn things is by doing them.
Mostly, I'm frustrated/upset that I cry instead of getting angry. What kind of defect is that? Granted, started my period today, but whatever.
I'll just keep to myself, try and learn as much as I can from the nice lady who I've been working with, and stick it out as long as I can. The pay's too good for me to give up just yet. I need to make it work. I just hate when other people make me feel like an idiot. I'm sure I'm more intelligent than she is, but the fact that she's older makes me feel like she has some kind of authority. They don't want to let me do anything, I'll just sit at my desk, twiddling my thumbs until they allow me to do something.
I don't know if I'm cut out for this kind of shit. My delicate sensibilities may not allow for such callousness.
How am I supposed to learn anything if I can't be given a shot, right? The only way I learn things is by doing them.
Mostly, I'm frustrated/upset that I cry instead of getting angry. What kind of defect is that? Granted, started my period today, but whatever.
I'll just keep to myself, try and learn as much as I can from the nice lady who I've been working with, and stick it out as long as I can. The pay's too good for me to give up just yet. I need to make it work. I just hate when other people make me feel like an idiot. I'm sure I'm more intelligent than she is, but the fact that she's older makes me feel like she has some kind of authority. They don't want to let me do anything, I'll just sit at my desk, twiddling my thumbs until they allow me to do something.
I'm sorry to hear that. def give it a while. she'll warm up to you. and if not sit there and get paid! don't let her get to you.

Hope you feel better & things look at least a little up. Hang in there.