Yuck but true: Septum piercing equals mad crazy boogerage during this, the allergy season.
Came home from work today to find not a baby, but a shower curtain rod on our doorstep. WOO! We had stapled the curtain liner to the walls of the bathroom, and that was working, but this is 100% awesome. Were I handy around the house, I'd try and install it. I'll leave it for Bryan. He so enjoys feeling like a handyman.
I would love to take a bath right now, but a cool bath just doesn't sound too appealing, and I'd boil in a warm one. Ah well. I'll probably take a tepid bath, if only so I can shave the gams easier. Wearing a dress tomorrow, for a change. The weather is begging for sundresses, and tomorrow's my only day off this week. Hooray!
We will get to bed at a decent hour tonight, so we can get up earlyish. I'm writing this in the hopes that it will magically come true!
Oh-kay. It's time to scrounge the apartment for food (there is none), and work on my knitting project (so I can start the next one, ooh!).
Came home from work today to find not a baby, but a shower curtain rod on our doorstep. WOO! We had stapled the curtain liner to the walls of the bathroom, and that was working, but this is 100% awesome. Were I handy around the house, I'd try and install it. I'll leave it for Bryan. He so enjoys feeling like a handyman.
I would love to take a bath right now, but a cool bath just doesn't sound too appealing, and I'd boil in a warm one. Ah well. I'll probably take a tepid bath, if only so I can shave the gams easier. Wearing a dress tomorrow, for a change. The weather is begging for sundresses, and tomorrow's my only day off this week. Hooray!
We will get to bed at a decent hour tonight, so we can get up earlyish. I'm writing this in the hopes that it will magically come true!
Oh-kay. It's time to scrounge the apartment for food (there is none), and work on my knitting project (so I can start the next one, ooh!).
septum youch!!! I would imagine that to be one of the most painful. I've gotten eyebrow, nose and lip. But, that seems too painful. We actually broke the first guitar hero II we got. My littest one pulled on the controller wire and made the whole system fall and I guess that scratched the disc so we had to buy another one. all in the same day.