Another lazy day off, spent unpacking stuff, and throwing stuff away. Totally dig throwing stuff away. It's like a fresh start. I feel like I'm de-burdening(?) myself when I get rid of stuff that five years ago, I would refuse to part with.
Is that what one calls "personal growth?" I feel like I've changed lately. Good change, not bad change. Like I'm getting a better handle on the person I am/the person I've always wanted to be. Granted, I'm still not enrolled in college, but hey, there's a time and a place for that, and it was 4 years ago. HAR HAR HAR! Seriously, I'm going back as soon as I find out about these county jobs either way. I've got to get back into something academic, before I lose the air of superiority I've built up after all those years of being a good student and a general smartass.
I need to read a fucking book! I love me some tv, movies and video games, but damned if I don't crave a book right now. I've read everything I've got right now, so I guess I'm just going to have to walk my ass the 3 blocks to the library and renew my card. Anyone read anything good lately? I'm open to many things-- except ChickLit. I've read too many Bridget Jones's Diary's and The Nanny Diaries to remotely want to crack the spine of one of those thingies. Maybe I'll try to find Chuck Klosterman's other books. I loved Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs.
My lovely new septum makes me want to pick my nose so intensely. I've never wanted to pick my nose so much. I keep forgetting it's there, and I'll nudge it and cringe. Yeesh. Guess I'll have to settle with making funny faces to keep things in check up in there.
I started knitting again today. I got so frustrated with the baby sweater I'd started (not for me, heavens no, for Bryan's tattoo artist) that I needed a break from the needles. But I'm picking 'em up again, and I've got an obscene yarn stash that needs downsizing, so I'm getting back into it. If I were smart, I'd get started on some really great Christmas gifts now. I won't hold my breath.
Is that what one calls "personal growth?" I feel like I've changed lately. Good change, not bad change. Like I'm getting a better handle on the person I am/the person I've always wanted to be. Granted, I'm still not enrolled in college, but hey, there's a time and a place for that, and it was 4 years ago. HAR HAR HAR! Seriously, I'm going back as soon as I find out about these county jobs either way. I've got to get back into something academic, before I lose the air of superiority I've built up after all those years of being a good student and a general smartass.
I need to read a fucking book! I love me some tv, movies and video games, but damned if I don't crave a book right now. I've read everything I've got right now, so I guess I'm just going to have to walk my ass the 3 blocks to the library and renew my card. Anyone read anything good lately? I'm open to many things-- except ChickLit. I've read too many Bridget Jones's Diary's and The Nanny Diaries to remotely want to crack the spine of one of those thingies. Maybe I'll try to find Chuck Klosterman's other books. I loved Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs.
My lovely new septum makes me want to pick my nose so intensely. I've never wanted to pick my nose so much. I keep forgetting it's there, and I'll nudge it and cringe. Yeesh. Guess I'll have to settle with making funny faces to keep things in check up in there.
I started knitting again today. I got so frustrated with the baby sweater I'd started (not for me, heavens no, for Bryan's tattoo artist) that I needed a break from the needles. But I'm picking 'em up again, and I've got an obscene yarn stash that needs downsizing, so I'm getting back into it. If I were smart, I'd get started on some really great Christmas gifts now. I won't hold my breath.
I know precious little about chicklit, but I do reccommend heavily "Hearts in Atlantis" by Stephen King, if you haven't read it. Totally different than a lot of his other stuff. Also, Nick Hornby is wonderful, especially "High Fidelity." I've got far too many books at the moment, so reccommending is always good.
Is "How To Be Good" worth reading? Friend gave me a copy a while back, but haven't gotten around to reading it.