My hair was remarkably tall today. New profile image reflects this, but you cannot truly appreciate it's height unless you stood in it's MIGHTY shadow. You may also note the huge family schnoz that I may or my not be adding a septum piercing to. Bryan doesn't like the idea, but I'm growing fonder of it, and maybe putting a bent piece of metal through my nose will make me like it more?
Also probably not. Whatever.
Mad jonesin' to go to Disneyland. Mos def NOT getting taken by the boss. He's been so very cranky lately, even though he should owe us a trip. We're all pissy, we need something to get us juiced about our stupid job! Pshaw! Says I to DisneyWorld in October. PSHAW! I want DLand now, thanks.
Right. Sleep. Sure.
Also probably not. Whatever.
Mad jonesin' to go to Disneyland. Mos def NOT getting taken by the boss. He's been so very cranky lately, even though he should owe us a trip. We're all pissy, we need something to get us juiced about our stupid job! Pshaw! Says I to DisneyWorld in October. PSHAW! I want DLand now, thanks.
Right. Sleep. Sure.