I am huuuuungry. All's we have to eat here is Cuppa Noodle. I had one yesterday, and I daresay, it did not agree with me. We need to learn how to keep food in this hovel. I could just about kill for some mac and cheese right now. No joke. I may have to make a run to Safeway to pick up the necessary items involved.
What is in our fridge? What dwells in the cold box, humming merrily three feet to my left? (I have moved the laptop back to the desk in an effort to use this office space I cleared out a few days ago.) Beer, condiments, a near-empty Brita pitcher, a bit of an onion, a few eggs, and some old, homemade hummus. Uh. Gross. I think we may have to throw out that container. Kinda sucks- that's one of the parts to our Magic Bullet. Bryan just had to have that Magic Bullet. Jeeze.
I do believe I need to check my laundry! There is way too much of it to do right now. How does this happen?
I'll throw some clothes on, and make a run to the store for a few foodstuffs. I am famished! I'd better be quick about it- gotta work at 2, which means I need to be ready by 1 so I can catch lightrail. BLARGH.
What is in our fridge? What dwells in the cold box, humming merrily three feet to my left? (I have moved the laptop back to the desk in an effort to use this office space I cleared out a few days ago.) Beer, condiments, a near-empty Brita pitcher, a bit of an onion, a few eggs, and some old, homemade hummus. Uh. Gross. I think we may have to throw out that container. Kinda sucks- that's one of the parts to our Magic Bullet. Bryan just had to have that Magic Bullet. Jeeze.
I do believe I need to check my laundry! There is way too much of it to do right now. How does this happen?
I'll throw some clothes on, and make a run to the store for a few foodstuffs. I am famished! I'd better be quick about it- gotta work at 2, which means I need to be ready by 1 so I can catch lightrail. BLARGH.