Today is good. I got all the stuff done round that house that I needed to, it's sunny, not too hot and I've got Jack Johson on. This album is perfect for my current mood smile

In fact, I'm even going to crack out the BBQ later biggrin
Mmmm....hot meat.

Glad you're having a funkeh day smile
Colour: White with brown trim

Unmodified model with leather option. Very good condition throughout with prisine, unmarked bodywork and no baggage inside or out. Two lady owners with full service history available on request. Very easy and relaxed to drive and is equally at home when driven hard. AFA (Advanced Feline Avoidance) ensures a safe environment for the furry memebers of the...
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I've finally got an internet connection at home again!! biggrin but bugger me, what a month (and a bit)

I moved house in 2 days, then went snowboarding in France for a week the next morning (left at about 3am). The snow was awful and slushy (and rocky and grassy by the end of the week), but it was ok because it meant that I didn't...
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Congrats on the internet connection!
Well thanks for the birthday comments guys, even though I was far too lazy to update my journal for the last few weeks.

It's been yet another crazy couple of weeks round here. Parental obligations, lots of work, buying a house (eep I go see the solicitor with a very large cheque tomorrow eeek ) and going out a lot at the weekends.

The house is...
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Sounds like you had a great birthday! I'm glad. biggrin
Ha hahahhahahahahahha

I went to go see Rammstein on Friday night and I have to say it was the most fantastic show I've yet to witness.

Apart from the monsterous set and light and sound rig, the sheer amount of fire was more than enough for me to have deep concern about the flammability of my hair.

Superb show tho and the music was as...
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happy burpday!
Wow, the show sounds really good. I saw one of there show son TV a while back, and it looked fantastic.

Happy Birthday!

Well I think yesterday was one of the strangest days I've had in a while.

It started off as a trip to go buy a new car, but we ended up driving round half of Norfolk going between random people selling cars and trying not to get killed from the mentalist overtaking manuvers!

Eventually ended up just strolling into a garage in the middle of...
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You need to listen to "A Strange Day" by the Cure.

That song started on my discman and I thought it was, of all things, strange. skull
Happy Birthday biggrin

I swear it must be mad season at the moment...

I'm getting ever closer to buying this house and then there was a slight panic that everything was gonna go (even more) tits up at work and we might all be out on the street.

Seems that all is fine for now , but it was somewhat interesting. I'm pretty relaxed now tho, I asked...
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So I've got me some wheels again, even if they are hired. A brand spanking new Polo aint too shabby for a hire car tho! I was expecting some pre-historic heap biggrin

It's getting freaky... I applied for me mortgage today...eep, I'm gonna own a house!!

And in other scary news, I actually did some exercise yesterday. I went swimming in the first time in err...
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Congrats on the new car. smile
good luck...with the house. smile
Eesh, what a week so far.

After recovering from my hangover on the 1st (I don't do day names at the moment wink ) I then woke up on the 2nd with the most stinking horrible cold. Hot/cold shivers, coughing, nose constantry trying to evacuate, the works.

Then to top it all off, I had to go back to work on the 4th, so no more...
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I hate having to depend on people as a means of transportation. That is by far the suckiest thing.
Whoa, so I managed to not only survive last night's drunkeness but had a damend good time too. Not much got broken (just the one glass) and all spillages seem to have been cleaned up ok. We'll find out for sure in a few days if something starts going mouldy tho! biggrin

I feel like shit on a stick today, but hey it's to be expected...
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hahaha, I make hairpieces too .. and am FOREVER looking for the pieces to make mine! UGHHHHHHH! Its so hard to find that crap!!!!!!!!! And Im not paying 400 bucks for a hairpiece that *I* can fucking make myself for 20 bucks. no way, I dont have SUCKA written o my forhead!

but they are pretty cool. and ya see, ppl that sell them wont be cool enough to say "yeah I got my materials at xyz" because theyre stingy and want u to buy them. pfffffffffft.

Nice meeting you btw smile