I've finally got an internet connection at home again!!
but bugger me, what a month (and a bit)
I moved house in 2 days, then went snowboarding in France for a week the next morning (left at about 3am). The snow was awful and slushy (and rocky and grassy by the end of the week), but it was ok because it meant that I didn't have to inflict too much more pain on myself from attempting to snowboard the whole week.
I did remember as I was going up on the lift on the first day that last time I had vowed never to board again. It was a good decision, but unfortunately I'd forgotten. But it'll definitely be skis next time.
However, all was not lost because there were also 2000 students there so every night was a monsterously large piss up!

So yeah, other than that, I'm now finally settled into my new house and I can start decorating the place a bit, cos it's pretty awful at the moment.
I also have broadband, so I can now re-join the real world and escape from the social vacuum that is the Anglia countryside

I moved house in 2 days, then went snowboarding in France for a week the next morning (left at about 3am). The snow was awful and slushy (and rocky and grassy by the end of the week), but it was ok because it meant that I didn't have to inflict too much more pain on myself from attempting to snowboard the whole week.
I did remember as I was going up on the lift on the first day that last time I had vowed never to board again. It was a good decision, but unfortunately I'd forgotten. But it'll definitely be skis next time.
However, all was not lost because there were also 2000 students there so every night was a monsterously large piss up!

So yeah, other than that, I'm now finally settled into my new house and I can start decorating the place a bit, cos it's pretty awful at the moment.
I also have broadband, so I can now re-join the real world and escape from the social vacuum that is the Anglia countryside

Congrats on the internet connection!