Well it seems that some very lovely person has bought me a subscription again...

So I wonder whether it's a real person, or some cunning ploy by SG to get me to come back... I doth wonder.
Toronto was amazing!!

4 days of the Toronto After Dark Film Festival and then the huge Rue Morgue Halloween party! skull

Good times, good times, but now...I must sleep.
Oooo, blood! I like it! biggrin
You've been too quiet and I've been too busy! kiss
TinyXP (rev03) rocks!!!

That is all smile
I'm off to Toronto in 8 days!!!

I was going to wait until it was only a week left before I go to post this, but dammit, I'm getting too excited already so 8 days will have to do...

I'm off to the Toronto After Dark Film Festival - a week of horror movies, parties, gigs, drinking and more zombies than you can shake a...
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Have fun, scare lots of people for me will ya. biggrin
Let's not be under any impressions that this is by any means going to be a regular update. Time has more than proven I really don't have the minerals for a daily update about my life smile

But for anyone that may be reading, I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I now have a rather cool new job that sends me all over the...
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About your virginity....I think if you wait long enough it may turn up. I'm certain mine has. hehe

Nice to meet you BTW.

Thanks, yeah it's fun. There's nothing like trying to hold onto a horse with your thighs while you try to focus on shooting an arrow ar a target. You have to just let go.
Right, time for another update because I haven't written anything in ages.

It's mainly because nothing has happened - I still don't have a job frown I think I'm gonna have to start doing some temp work soon cos the money situation is getting slim and I can't go on living on the sale of car parts for ever biggrin

On the plus side, I went to...
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temping isnt all that bad....
the pays quite good depending what you temp in confused
Well after seeing the pictures on Blyss's pblog, and from what I've seen from previous years - I need to go!

Maybe wait til 2007 when I can hire a car, then I'll make a proper trip of it and get some other sights in as well.

The place does look absolutely fantastic and everyone I've told about it or shown pictures have fallen...
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Well I had an awesome time at Edition 38 this weekend - it's a big (and arguably the best) VW show in the UK and we had a huuge turn out - there were about 30 of us camping together.

Good people, cool cars, lots of sun, lots of booze, not a lot of sleep.

But now I've got the bug - I'm gonna go...
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So you have a VW bug....? Or you have the bug to go to a lot of shows....? VW's are really cool. I'm a van person myself. I recently picked up a great van, with the shag carpet and all, though it's a dodge and not a VW. I bought a VW van 2 years ago for $1000 and it ran for one day. How sad frown
Whoa, I'm seriously lax. Not that anybody really reads my journal entries anyway, but it looks like I never come on here, whereas actually I'm on every day.

So yars, went to a party last night at one of my mate's seriously rich friend's mansion - free booze, free hog roast, monsterous grounds to get lost in. Which was nice smile

Just a weee bit tired...
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This is just a quick note to let you know someone read your journal today. tongue
Whoa, over a week since the last update. Shows how exciting my life is eh? smile

Yesterday was pretty good fun - my friend bought a narrow boat so we had a big trip out to the marina to pick it up and drive it back to Cambridge.

A vibrating pole in one hand and a beer in the other. Ahh, nothing like boating biggrin
yeah they were all shows that have tanked since they took family guy off the air and tried to replace it
Dare I ask what the vibrating pole is all about? And where can I find one?