That's it, we're confined, it took me a while to realize that this really happened but I started to plan myself as soon as I knew about the possibility... I've been taking care A LOT of my mental health in the last year so the fact that I have anxiety disorder is not being a big problem in the context we are in. And I am very grateful for that.
I'm also grateful for at least be able to quarantine with my family, and not alone, and hopeful that all this will soon be over and I can finally get back to my routine and my little apartment.
I'm trying to think positive, and this is difficult, my mood fluctuates a lot with the news, I try to look only at what is useful. It's not smart to be desperate so I do my best.
I'm having practing a lot of yoga, meditation, functional exercises, and studing. Oh! And of course playing a lot of video games and watching movies too. I'm basically keeping my mind very busy.
For the abstinence of photographing and editing, I'm taking self-portraits and editing photos of my family. For other abstinences... patience.
Chanuka ~the cat~ is my best friend in the whole world, I am happy to be able to be with her in these difficult days.
Voce e linda!